Chapter 24: Hogsmeade

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Delphini overslept, with a hangover as she expected. She got out of bed and looked for her clothes.  "Shit! I've got 10 minutes till my exam." she said to herself. She had already missed her first lesson, Divination. Delphini thenraced to the exam hall and arrived just as they were starting the exam.  She took her seat and began her exam. She failed that exam she just knew it. 

"Off to the library, mudblood?" Was Pansy's usual chant. "You already know, i'm a halfblood. Besides why should it matter?" Delphini said walking out of the school to meet her friends, as they were going to Hogsmeade. Just before she turned around and try and leave Pansy tried to trip Delphini up, but failed. "Let me count how many fucks  I give." "1, 1 1/2. Oh shit they flew away." Delphini said laughing. She wasn't in the mood to fight Pansy. Last time they two fought they had to have a detention with Dumbledore because it was physical. It was horrible but mostly time wasting. She had nothing better to do.

Delphini finally caught up with Harry, Hermione and Ron. "You know you've been really happy." Hermione said. "When am I not? It's snowy and I am going to grab lunch with my best friends." Delphini said happily. "Is it because of a certain boy" Hermione said hinting at Draco. "Maybe" she said smiling. "You look like a mess, Delphi." Ron said. "Thanks, Ron, I know. I had a terrible sleep."

"Let's go to the Three broomsticks" Harry suggested, breaking up the conversation.  "Sure, they do the best butterbeer here." Says Ron. "I swear something is wrong with that kid" Hermione whispers into her ear. "We've been friends for years and been here countless amounts of times" Delphini just laughed. 

She couldn't help but see Draco sneak into the back entrance of the Three Broomsticks. "Did you guys just see Draco go in here, with a briefcase? Harry said very quickly. "Yes" "I'm not sure why" Delphini said. "He's definitely up to something" Ron said. "I don't trust him." Delphini just looked down, she just wished they knew what she knew. But she couldn't tell them, she made a promise. And a Riddle always keeps there promises. 

"Do you know anything Delphini? Harry questioned as you sat down.  "You've been extremely close with him lately, I wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be a DeathEater too, your family history proves it." Delphini just stared at him in shock. "Do you really think that?" She said completely shocked. This was one of your best friends. There was no answer. "So I'm a monster? Just let me know." And with that she left in floods of tears. "Harry what the hell is wrong with you?" Hermione shouted. "Nothing, it had to be said." Harry said shouting in retaliation. He didn't actually mean it, He was just stressed and upset over pressure of trying finding the horcruxes.

"Sometimes you can be a real dick Harry. You know she's still new to all of this. Anyway you're just jealous that she's in love with Draco and not you. And yes I said that." And with that Hermione left in search for her best friend.



"Oh hey Delphi." Hermione said softly said as she sat next to her in the Great Hall. "Hi" Delphini said looking down glumly. "Am I really a monster?" She looked up for Hermione's response. "Of course not Delphini." Hermione said harshly. "You're my best friend, you mean much more to me than Harry, okay? We've been best friends since we were 4, do you remember when we were children and you loved Mufasa, from the LionKing so much that you started to stuck your tongue out when you yawned. Just like he did. I remember when your mum took you to the doctor because she thought something was wrong with you. You was diagnosed with "being six." 

"I remember that." Delphini laughed. "Do you remember when you wanted to be friends with this one girl, so you would always go to the bathroom at the same time as her and tell her what colour your underwear was. You thought  friends share everything, so if she knew something personal about you, you would be friends. Unsurprisingly, you were never friends. " Delphini said laughing right at Hermione. "I could never imagine you doing this now."

"One more, do you remember when  in middle school, Emily Cook  tried to convince me that she was a werewolf. We would pass notes during class and she told me that every night she transforms and goes running in the woods with her pack. She said her voice changed dramatically, but I said I never hear a difference. The next day in class, she wrote another note that said she wanted to transform me. I was like, heck yeah I want to be a werewolf! But to transform me she had to put drops of her blood into a water bottle and I had to drink the whole thing. So she passed the note with the water bottle. And she said if I didn't do it she had to kill me because it's against pack pride to be telling normal people, like me about them. I took it and threw it out when I got home. Told her I drank it and she said she saw me transform last night in my sleep. I then remember being really scared about it so I never spoke to her ever again."

"Hahah we were such idiots." 

"My point is don't let anyone tell you what you are and aren't. Make that up for yourself. I'm sure he's just tired and wants to ease the pressure of 'Being the chosen one'. Hermione said in a rubbish Harry accent. "He'll be fine, tomorrow and if he's  not, i'll make him."


"Delphini?" Draco said from across the corridor. He was alone this time. "I'll leave you two." Hermione said whispering in your ear. "I missed you" Draco said putting his arm around you. "We saw each other last night." "You do remember?" Delphini questioned. "Of course, I do, Sweetie" He said putting his arms around her neck and pulling her into a room. "I'll love you forever Draco."

"You will?"

"Yes that's the problem."

Hermione went back to the Griffindor common room, to study of course. She thought about what Harry had said to You and how much of a dick he was.

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