Chapter 53: The lake

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"I am reaching out to you despite everything you have done. And you still can't get out of your own way." Delphini said getting annoyed. "God! I feel so sorry for you!" she shouted. "Don't turn your back on me!" Draco shouted. "I should have turned my back on you ages ago!"

"Then why are you still here?" Draco said softer. "Trying to fix me." There was silence for a few seconds, whilst they both caught their breath. "Because I still love you Draco"

"You love me?" Draco replied as he looked up. "And I can't seem to hate you." Realising that she had said too much she started to walk away. "Where are you going?" Draco said grabbing her arm.

"To study, we've got Finals soon." Delphini said getting out of his reach. Draco had tried to stop Delphini from studying for the past week as he just wanted to forget about school for a while and have a break. "Don't go" Draco pleaded. "your legs look great in those jeans" Draco whispered in her ear. "You should see me without them." she cheekily said back. "Why would you take off your legs?" Ron asked confused, as he overheard. 


Draco picked Delphini up Bridal style out of the library with Hermione and Ron staring on in confusion. "Put me down" she shouted, wriggling around trying to get out of his grasp. "I have to keep studying!"

"You've spent enough time studying and not enough time with me." Draco said crossing his arms trying to act annoyed. Delphini found it so cute when he did that. Hermione just laughed. Knowing that she wouldn't be leaving soon, she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddles into his chest as he carried her away from studying. "Where are we going?" she whined.  "You'll see soon, we're nearly there." 

"Draco we've only got a couple of months left, then we can escape and start all over again." Delphini said with a slight sense of hope in her voice, as she sat down on a rock near the lake. "Delphi, I can't let there be another chance where you could get hurt. I've got the mark, I'm not good for you anymore. That's why were just friends."

"Don't say that. If we go down we go down together. You're not alone." There was silence. "Draco... are you okay?" Delphini asked confused and sadly. He just kissed her. "I just don't know why you love a monster like me?" Draco said deepening the kiss. "You're not a monster, Draco... I love you because of your imperfections, your flaws, your smile, your love."

"We'll work this out together... I promise, I'm not going to lose you." she said kissing him back. They  both sat down near the water and Delphini gazed at the beautiful sight in front of her. The mountains in the distance, the clear crystalline water. It was perfect. "You like it?" Draco asked sheepishly.  "Do I like it? Huhh" Delphini muttered. "Of course I do, Idiot. It's beautiful"

"I come here to be alone and to sketch" Draco said. "I understand why, it' beautiful." Draco got out some paper and started to draw not looking away from his paper. "Let me see... what are you drawing." Delphini whined. "I'll show you when I'm finished." Draco drew her and it's actually really good. "keep it" he said and handed Delphini the paper. "You should really pursue a career in art." He just smiled. God she loved his smile.

Throughout that time, they ate and told stories about their childhood and what their hopes and dreams were for the future. They ended up finding out things that you never knew about each other.  "When I was in year 2 I created a group of girls called the Fierce Cats. I was the leader and told everyone what to do and what to wear, including cats tails and ears. All the other parents thought it was cute, but every time my parents talked about weird stuff we did as kids they refer to it as my 'gang'. It's so embarrassing." Draco just burst into laughter, falling backwards and hitting his head on the rock. Delphini then bursted into laughter too.

 Delphini got butterflies which she never got when she was with Jimmy. It was then that she realised how much she loved him and didn't want to let him go. Delphini looked over towards Draco who was now lying on his back in the sun. His hair was now a golden colour and a slight shadow was casted over half of his face, making him look more masculine.  "Cuddle with me" He said sleepily.  After minutes of silence in each others arms. Draco said tucking a strand behind your ear "I swear I'll do whatever I can do to protect you.. there's a war coming.. and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't know what I'd do without you.... your smile, your weird laugh and your positivity in dark times. I'll keep safe, Draco, I promise" Delphini said moving to face him. "But I need to fight for what's right" she said pulling his jaw closer to her and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

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