Chapter 10: The meeting

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Delphini had made a full recovery and a week later she was released. She was planning on surprising her friends as she told them you had to spend a couple more days in the infirmary. However, Delphini couldn't properly because Hermione came running towards her, screaming. "Delphi, you're out." Hermione smiled.  "Yes i am" Delphini said screaming as well. They werw getting some dirty stares from some younger students to which Delphini  returned them dirty stares back. "We can celebrate later." "Okay" Delphini replied confused. "Harry's owl arrived with a letter from Sirius. If it was Sirius you knew it would be urgent. As you had helped him escape once he got trapped in a tower of Hogwarts.  "Why does he need us?"

 "I'm not sure" Hermione replied. "But Harry says it's urgent." She said tugging you arm.


"Thanks for joining us, Delphini, Hermione" Lupin said as Delphini and Hermione entered the room, indicating the start of the meeting. "Hi" was all she could say before Sirius' loud voice drowned out the faint noises of everyone else. "I'm sorry the meeting is very sudden. But you all need to be warned." 

"About what?" Harry said perplexed.  "As you know the Yule Ball is very soon." 

"Yes" Delphini said as she took a seat next to Tonks. She had been very excited for the Yule ball and had yet to choose her dress.  "We are worried that that Voldermort will try to kill you, Harry.. and make you Delphini, a DeathEater." Lupin finished. "But I don't want to be a DeathEater! I never will be, I'm not like them."

 "We know, Delphini. That's why we are going to do whatever we can to protect you." Her Uncle, Sirius said reassuring her.  

"But what has this got to do with Delphini?" Harry questioned. "They do not know that she's their daughter.." Kinglsey started as he enteres the room. "Yet" Lupin interrupted. "But they know that she's just as powerful as the Dark Lord himself." Kinglsey finished giving a look at Lupin. "Or more powerful."

"There is another reason" Sirius announced.  Delphini looked down at her hands, glumly. "Delphini has dark powers that will make herself very useful to The Dark Lord. So we all need to do whatever we can to protect Harry and Delphini on the night." Sirius added. "You can tell no-one, not even your other friends at Hogwarts." Kinglsey demanded giving each of the four of you a serious look.  "Okay" All four of them said.


Everyone that was in the meeting started to get up and leave. Suddenly it was just Delphini and Sirius. 

"Ahh" Delphini said clutching her head.  "Delphini, are you okay?" 

"I can still hear her, Sirius." "I want you to listen to me very carefully, you're not a bad person." Sirius said wiping a tear from your cheek.

"What if I end up like her?" "Delphini, good people and DeathEaters, we've all got both light and darkness inside of us, no one is completely evil, She's my sister as well as your mother."

"I just wish she wasn't my mother."  

"I can imagine, but it's going to be okay."

"I'm not going to let her hurt you. Send me a letter everyone every time she tries to contact you. We're all in this together." Sirius explained as he wiped a tear from Delphini's cheek.

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