Chapter 70: Hogwarts Memorial

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Although it was a warm may afternoon, there was a slight breeze which sent a chilling feeling through the air. The clouded sky was a perfect match for the events for that day. It had been just over a week since the war where Voldemort was finished. Now, hundreds of witches and wizards were gathering in the courtyard to commemorate those who sadly lost their lives fighting. 

As Delphini walked through the courtyard she saw that the castle had been nearly fully restored. The walls had been fixed and so had the windows. She could have been lost in her thoughts forever, but the only thing that reminded her of her current present in the world, was Draco's warm hands as they were interlocked with hers. Every few seconds he would give her a reassuring squeeze. 

She had been staying at the Weasley's house for the past few days, as she had no home to go back to in the Muggle world. Although the Burrow was the only place that Delphini felt at home at, it hadn't been the cheerful place that it had been since the war. During the battle, the Weasley family had lost their son, Fred. Bill and Fleur offered places at their houses if anyone wanted to stay there. Percy accepted because he blamed himself for Fred's death. George had hardly spoken since Fred's death. Delphini couldn't imagine what he was going through. He barely laughed too, which was unusual for him. Mr and Mrs Weasley didn't speak much either. Delphini wondered when it would go back to normal. A long time she thought to herself. 

She saw Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron sitting down in one of the rows. She pulled Draco away from looking at some of the castle's ruins. Harry looked up when someone kicked his chair. Ron had gotten up quickly and kicked Harry's chair by accident. "Delphini" Ron shouted, "Come sit with us. "You too Malfoy" Harry said, which surprised him. They smiled at each other. Okay this is strange Delphini thought to herself.  Hermione hugged her and Draco. "Neville's here too. He's with his Grandmother, there sitting somewhere at the back." Hermione said smiling.

"If everyone would take their seats," Professor McGonagall bellowed. She nodded her head towards the front row and she smiled and locked eyes with Delphini. The few people who remained standing sat down quickly. A short bearded wizard stood up from the front row at McGonagall's gesture and walked up onto the stage. Once at the podium he cleared his throat whilst fumbling into his pockets for his glasses. He then began.

"Today" He stared at the crowd, speaking very slowly. "Is the memorial. Decades ago a dark force held a strong place in our world. Because of this our world was brought devastation, death and despair. However, to conflict this evil was the good- the brave, the hopeful and the strong." He paused. "Today we are here so remember those who gave all they could to fight for this good, especially those who lost their lives on these very grounds." He paused for another minute. Delphini could hear muffled voices from people in the crowd and a large sniff, which probably came from Hagrid. "This beautiful place," he opened his arms gesturing to the Hogwarts grounds causing a few heads to turn and look at the castle. "has been a safe haven, a home so many. Just three weeks ago It was practically destroyed." The strong columns, the walls that hold so many memories, brought to ruin," This started the tears. Out of the corner of her eye, Delphini could see Hermione tear up, so she gently squished her hand, signifying that it's okay. Ron's hand patted her knee, she smiled up at him. Mrs Weasley was now crying into her husband's shoulder. "In those moments of battle this fortress of good fell." We lost those dearest to us- brothers, sisters, friends, children." Delphini saw a single tear fall down Draco's cheek, which she wiped away in one quick movement. She also saw George put his head down when the old wizard said brother. She saw Fleur giving Bill a consoling kiss on the cheek after wiping his tear stained cheek. She also thought about her nephew Teddy Lupin, who was going to grow up not knowing his mother and father. This made her cry, which made Draco pull her into a deep hug, whispering in her ear that it is going to be okay.

"Grandparents, mentors, teachers" The wizard continued slowly allowing each title to go in. "All we unique- young, old, men, women, but they all had one thing in common. They wanted to make this world a better place." The cries became more audible. "All had their own qualities that made them stand dear to us." Delphini thought about her last encounter with Lupin before the war when he said, "But he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make the world in which he could live happier."  By then she was unable to stop herself from crying. Although her tears were mild and her face, her head was still bowed down, was not completely viewable, Draco sensed something was wrong. She felt his hand squeeze tighter around hers. Delphini looked up briefly to meet his gaze. She looked around. Everyone had dressed for the occasion. Even Mr Lovegood, he wasn't wearing his usual brightly coloured garments. The brightest sight in the crowd was the Weasley's red hair. "Now look at this castle" The wizard ordered. "almost rebuilt. Although the sadness remains in our hearts, this is a symbol of what's going to come- the good that is going to come."

"As hard as it is to believe after all these years of struggle, this battle has been won. The battle is over. All these loved ones, their efforts were not in vain. Today, although we mourn those we lost, let's not forget what they left us." The wizard started up again. "They left us tomorrow. Let us take today to celebrate their lives, their talents, their dedication and their love. This is a day to remember all- the kind, caring, gentle, hardworking, the wise, the funny and the strong. Their memories will be forever be in our hearts and their sacrifice honoured as we take hold of tomorrow- the tomorrow they gave us." He bowed his head slightly to signify him being finished. The crowd began to irrupt in a polite applause. "Professor?" He nodded. Then Headmistress McGonagall then came to the stage.

"Thank you, everyone for attending this service today." Her voice was solid, but Delphini was sure she had been crying. "As said, the walls of Hogwarts are being rebuilt. Tomorrow will be a better day. One thing I would like to say is thank you. Without you, there is no Hogwarts. Thank you all for coming today. Your presence here helps to remind us that we are all united. Because of the effort  of those lost and those still here today, we have won. The good has triumphed." Another applause broke out. "You're all welcome to stay as long as you like," She finished as she walked of the stage.

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