Taking custody; K.TH

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The two of you sat across from each other but neither of you looked at each other. There were so many things left unsaid but it just wasn't the right time to talk about it, so you stayed silent. You hoped that everything would be over with soon so that you'd be able to take the time to collect yourself and regroup.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Taehyung suddenly spoke, causing you to flinch as he caught you off guard. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him or speak so you chose to shrug your shoulders in reply. This didn't seem to be the answer he was looking for, but then again it wasn't really an answer at all. "You aren't making this any easier, Y/n."

You knew this but you weren't about to admit that to Taehyung. Throughout the entire divorce you'd been dragging your feet, hoping to prolong the inevitable in hopes that it would disappear if it took too long. That wasn't the case though, and soon enough you were stripped of Taehyung's last name and thrust into a custody battle over your 3 year old son.

"I want my son, with me, but that doesn't mean I'm taking him away from you permanently. There's always weekends, Friday morning to Sunday evening. Or, we can alternate which would mean I have him 4 days in week 1, you'll have him for 3 and in week 2 you would have him 4 days whilst I have him for 3. How does that sound? Y/n? Are you even listening to me?" Taehyung seemed to be getting irritated, you could tell from the way he had lifted his brow in question.

Truth be told, you had been listening but none of what was said seemed to enter your brain. The words just went in one ear and straight out of the other.

"You seem to have this all planned out, just like you always do." You managed to croak out, slightly embarrassed by how exhausted you sounded. Taehyung's eyes widened for a second in shock before he cleared his throat and schooled his expression. Professionalism, it's what Taehyung majors in.

"I have to be, for our son. One of us has to- never mind." You nodded and looked down at your lap, your fingers intertwining with each other. It seemed that Taehyung's habit of playing the saviour was still at its peak, just as it had always been. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."

"But it's the truth isn't it? I'm incapable of looking after myself, never mind a child." You chuckled humourlessly at yourself, shaking your head as the tears began to well up in your eyes again. That was all you had done since Taehyung first told you that he had sent for divorce papers: cry.

Taehyung sighed tiredly, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in what looked to be an oncoming migraine. In recent weeks you'd become all too familiar with the feeling of a heavy pain resting against your brain, making it hard to think straight. Once he opened his eyes again, Taehyung allowed himself to take a good, long look at your face, something he'd prevented himself from doing throughout the divorce.

Your hair was messy and unkept, simply pulled into a limp ponytail. There was no colour to your face like there usually was, your skin a sick colour that made him wonder when you last took care of yourself. The most concerning difference in your face was the way your eyes had become dull and empty. For the entire time he'd known you, Taehyung had been able to see galaxies reflecting in your eyes, the stars lighting up your irises but that was long gone and in all honesty truth, that scared him.

"Y/n are you okay, like, are you doing well?" Taehyung asked, completely forgetting what the two of you were doing in favour of making sure you were okay. When you realised what he had asked you, you did a double take and looked up as if you couldn't believe what he'd just said.

How dare he?

"Please, spare me the pity and let's just get on with this." You stared sharply, sitting up and brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. A hurt expression spread over Taehyung's face for a moment but you ignored it, not wanting to have anything else to haunt you at night. Sleep was hard to come by these days.

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