Comparing you to his ex; K.TH

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Things hadn't been easy for you and Taehyung ever since he debuted, the time you spent together decreasing in small amounts over the years until it was at a bare minimum. The only time you really had a genuine conversation was over the phone as Taehyung woke up long before you did and returned home long after your fallen asleep whilst waiting up for him. Not once did you complain about the situation though, devoting all your time and effort into supporting Taehyung and his career.

Until things took a wild turn for the worst, Taehyung completely ignoring your calls and returning home much later than usual. To say he never had time to spend with you, he surely was wasting the small amount of time he got for himself on someone else. This thought scared you, new insecurities creeping into your subconscious, persuading you that Taehyung had found someone better than you and didn't love you anymore. Still, you kept your head held high and chose to trust Taehyung, completely relying on your love for him to save yourself from hurt. How naive you were.

"We desperately need to talk Taehyung, I haven't seen you for more than 10 minutes in the past month and barely spoken a sentence. What's going on with you? Please talk to me." You mumbled, wiping the sleep from your eyes as you peered over at the clock, gasping once it told you that Taehyung had returned at 3:25 am. Taehyung sighed in annoyance as he removed his shirt and aggressively threw it into the laundry basket, leaving his hair disheveled and messy. You wondered what you'd said to make him so irritated but decided to not dwell on the thought too much.

"I'm tired Y/n, i've been practicing for over 14 hours. Just shut up and sleep." Taehyung rudely said before getting into bed and pulling the covers over his body, laid so that he was right against the edge, the furthest he could get from you. Again, you questioned what you'd done but you knew that he was being dramatic for no reason. You needed answers and Taehyung couldn't keep going around ignoring you, it just wasn't right. A relationship is a two way street and needs commitment from both sides in order for it to work.

"And i'm tired of this one sided relationship you've been giving me recently. Tell me Taehyung, tell me what i'm doing wrong. Did you meet someone else, am I not good enough?" You whispered sadly, not looking at him because you knew that one glimpse at his expressionless face would make you cry your eyes out. Taehyung shifted and sighed again, sounding even more angrier than before. Due to how well you knew Taehyung, you knew that he was about to blow his top. Everything was going wrong, completely different to the scenario you'd made in your head and you almost regretted speaking up about how you were feeling.


"Why can't you be more like Juliet huh? She was so understanding of my situation and i wasn't even an idol then! You're too invasive, always needing to have my attention but she wasn't, always giving me space when I needed it. Maybe that's why i've been spending my days off with her, I can actually breathe when i'm around her!" Taehyung exclaimed, saying his speech in one single breath which left him panting heavily. The muscles in your body froze and you heart momentarily stopped beating, your heart shattering in your chest. The fact that he'd been spending his spare time with his ex wasn't even the most painful part of it all, the way he'd compared you to her so cruelly ripping your heart right out of your chest and stomping all over it.

Without uttering a single syllable, you pulled back the covers and climbed out of bed, needing to get as far away from Taehyung as you possible could. It was like your body had completely shut down, not being able to process anything properly. In the background you could hear Taehyung asking you where you were going as you pulled your shoes on, not been bothering to change. His eyes were full of confusion and once he noticed that you were packing a bag he shot out of bed, pulling it away from you and holding it behind his back so that you couldn't get it back. Nothing seemed to bother you as you simply walked straight past him, further ignoring his pleas for you to stop and go back to bed.

"Don't leave me, what have I done wrong? Why are you doing this to me Y/n, do I mean nothing to you?" Taehyung cried as he watched you open the front door, a large gust of wind chilling him to the bone but it wasn't as cold as the attitude you were fixing him. Taehyung was used to you bending over backwards to please him and keep him happy, putting him before yourself. The boy had neglected your love and taken your care for granted, believing that you would always be waiting for him to walk into your arms. Faced with the reality that you were leaving, Taehyung felt his hands and legs begin to shake and pins and needles to spread across his entire body. A panic attack.

"If Juliet is so good to you, why don't I make this easier on the both of you and leave so that you can be happy without distractions. You should be happy, i'm no longer being invasive." You said emotionlessly before grabbing your car keys and leaving, Taehyung closely rushing after you to try and stop you. He wouldn't be able to cope on his own without you, everybody knew that. Whilst hanging out with his ex, Taehyung had been so foolish and he saw that now. He was loosing you and there was nothing he could do.

"Goodbye." You said before getting into the car and locking all the doors, flinching when Taehyung attempted to rip the doors open and kick them, willing to do anything so that he could get to you. The tips of his fingers were clinging to the door handle of the car, tears flowing down his cheeks as he cried harder than he ever had before. It was saddening to see but you ignored him, starting the car and driving away, walking straight out of Taehyung's life, leaving him a broken mess, a puddle of sadness. A person that used to be so full of life and happy, reduced to nothing but a shadow.

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