Choosing his ex over you; P.JM

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It was obvious to absolute everyone that Jimin had never truly gotten over his ex, Mina, still pining after her even when he eventually began to date you. There wasn't a single conversation that he didn't manage to somehow make about her, boasting about how perfect and beautiful she was right to your face, making you feel like he preferred her over you. It had broken him once he'd found out that his precious girlfriend had cheated on him with a close friend of his, the girl he loved more than anything seeking attention from other men and going behind his back. It ruined every aspect of dating for him for a while, right up until he met you but he still couldn't bring himself to forget about his first love, her memory still planted deep in the back of his mind. She was always in the back of his mind, even whilst he was making love to you and promising his love to you which made him feel like he was cheating on you.

Now, you were not stupid, nor were you blind. It was clear to you that Jimin would never truly be devoted to you but you loved him enough to live with it and work with the problem, choosing to ignore it than make a problem out of it in fear of loosing Jimin. You knew it wasn't a healthy relationship but you'd rather hurt yourself and your feelings than be without Jimin, even if the relationship would end in tears and broken hearts, the broken hearts belonging to no one else but you and you were willing to accept that. People warned you and questioned you on why you stayed but you could only reply, "I love him, there's no other explanation needed." which made you sound desperate and weak but you didn't care.

"I heard you've been hanging out with Mina again, s'been on the news." You said monotonously as soon as Jimin got into the house through the front door, not missing a beat when he frowned slightly at your words and tiptoed towards you slowly and cautiously, almost as if he were approaching a wild animal. The look on his face told you everything, that your suspicions were soon to be confirmed and Jimin would leave you for her, his heart giving up on you, just for someone who had already possessed it and treated it unfairly. It never really made sense to you, what she had that you didn't, what made Jimin keep going back to her even after everything she'd done to him. You'd tried your very hardest to be the best girlfriend to him but nothing ever seemed to be good enough, never even comparable to what Mina was apparently. Even though she'd cheated on him and left him for another man but Jimin seemed to have forgotten all about that.

"Oh, uh, yeah about that Y/n...she just wanted to get back in contact, seeing as we didn't exactly leave things on good terms and we were so close. You don't mind, do you?" Jimin softly chuckled, eyes searching your face to find even a trace of emotion but you didn't let up. Jimin's hand rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully, blushing softly as he thought of their little meeting they'd had earlier that day, the way they'd held hands over the table, just as he had when they were dating. It saddened you that he could be so foolish as to trust Mina again, too blinded by love to noticed that she was using him for when she had nobody else to entertain her, everything ending in heartbreak and regret, just as it always had. You'd hoped that he would notice sooner but now it seemed that that wouldn't be the case, her claws too deep in him to ever make a comeback. Mina was going to ruin Jimin but he was making no move to stop her.

"Hm, that's not what she told me though, even better, showed me. I never took you for a cheater Jimin, or a liar, but I guess your past really does mould who you become in the future huh?" You spat, still showing no emotion, holding your phone up to show Jimin the picture Mina had so callously sent you whilst they had been on their date in order to spite you. Jimin and Mina were shamelessly holding hands on top of the table and Jimin had never looked so happy in his entire life, smiling so hard and wide that his pupils disappeared and soft dimples stood out on his cheeks, making him look prettier than he already was. If he weren't cheating on you whilst doing it, you'd have thought he looked beautiful but all you could think about was how he'd treated you. Jimin made a move to explain himself but you cut him off, walking away from him and retrieving your coat from the rack next to the door.

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