When he leaves you for Taehyung; P.JM

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It was clear as day, the void being driven deeper and deeper into the relationship which caused the two of you to turn from each other. No matter how hard you cling to Jimin and tried to keep the relationship alive, it was as if Jimin had already given into the force that was driving the two of you apart.

That force went by the name of Kim Taehyung, Jimin's most closest and dearest friend. In the beginning, Tae was oblivious to what he was doing to your relationship until he began to feel feelings for his best friend too. Not once had the pair wanted to hurt you so they tried to ignore it which only resulted in them being brought back to each other even harder like an elastic band.

You weren't stupid, nor were you blind. It was incredibly obvious that there was something going on between your boyfriend and his best friend but you didn't want to say anything. The conversation and topic of their relationship could spark the end of your relationship and you didn't want that, not being ready to let go of Jimin just yet. Of course you minded that he loved someone else but you'd rather have him partially than not at all.

"Y/n...I think we need to talk." Jimin squeaked after being on the phone with Taehyung for over an hour, building up the courage to finally do what should've been done a long time ago. Already knowing what was coming, you sighed and placed the book that you had been reading on to the coffee table and gave him your undivided attention. Something you'd been yearning from him for months.

"There's no easy way to tell you this and I didn't mean for it to happen. This is s-so hard to explain and it's going to hurt you so badly but I can't lie anymore..." Jimin began, stuttering and clutching to his sweater paws which was something he only did when he was really nervous. In times like this Jimin was used to you comforting him but you didn't which only made him feel even worse.

"I'm in love with Taehyung." Jimin suddenly blurted, tears rapidly dripping down his cheeks as he bit his lip in nervousness and guilt because he didn't know how you were going to react. His eyes observed your beautiful face, watching how you desperately tried to keep a steady face instead of letting it crumple as it wanted to.

"I know. Hell, how could I not. It was bound to happen, he's always had a soft spot for you, who wouldn't." You said softly, trying to lighten the dark events that were happening. Jimin knew you too well to believe that you were ok with what was happening, the changes that were occurring. The tears that laced your eyelids didn't make it easier for you to convince him either.

The truth was, you had been better when you were in denial without knowing the whole truth. Hearing the gut feeling being confirmed hurt 10 times more than feeling as if you were second best, tearing your heart apart inside of your chest. Nothing about the current situation made sense to you, never having felt that Jimin was gay or bisexual.

"I'm so sorry that it happened, i didn't expect it and I would have never started dating you if i'd have known that i would feel like this for him. I truly loved you Y/n, I still do... I just love him more. I'm sorry." Jimin sobbed before he grabbed the bags that he had already packed and ran out of the front door, escaping before he could see you crumble which was exactly what you did.

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