When he doesn't want you to move in ;K.SJ

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"I just don't think that you've thought this through properly Y/n. Maybe you just need to give yourself a bit more time before thinking about something as serious as moving in together, okay?" Jin said as you both sat in his living room, you slightly shiveing as you had walked through the rain without coat in order to get to his place. A mug of hot chocolate was clenched between your mottled fingers, acting as a heater as you just couldn't seem to get warm no matter how hard you tried to.

"I've thought about this since the moment I met you Jin, of course I've thought this through. I really can't stay with my mum anymore, things are just getting worse between us and I have a feeling things will start to become violent like they used to be. I love you and it would be better for me to be with you, don't you agree?" You replied, trying to make eye contact with Jin but he didn't seem to want to even look at. His head was cast down, looking at the carpet so that you couldn't get an idea of how he was feeling or even what he was thinking. However, from the way he was speaking, you could tell that he was less than thrilled that you wanted to move in with him.

Jin didn't answer for a moment and chose to just stay silent, leaving your question unanswered as he really didn't want to tell you what he really thought as he was scared that you wouldn't like his answer. For Jin, it felt as if the relationship was moving way too quickly as he didn't believe that the two of you had ben dating all that long. You watched as he got up off of the couch and sighed, stretching slightly before he walked into the kitchen and left you there in the living room, overthinking everything and anything. After a moment of thinking, you decided to follow him.

"If you don't like the idea then you should tell me Jin. I would rather you be honest than uncomfortable with me being here. Besides, I can just stay with a relative or a friend or just- Yeah, I'll do that." You mumbled more to yourself than anyone as Jin didn't even acknowledge that you were speaking. Feeling embarrassed over Jin's reaction to you asking to move in with him, you rushed out of the kitchen and began to pull your shoes on to your feet, wincing uncomfortably as the damp material made contact with your body once more. It wasn't a nice feeling.

Quickly, you made your way out of the house once more and just stood there, not really knowing what to do. You had lied to him when you told him that you could find somewhere else to go because in reality, you were too ashamed to show up anywhere else and ask for help after Jin reacted so coldly. You'd gone to Jin because you trusted him and had thought that he would welcome you with open arms after you explained the situation as he knew that you and your mum didn't have the safest relationship. But there you were, stood in the middle of the street with absolutely nowhere to go.

Soon enough you realised that you would have to go to a motel and hope that they had some spare rooms that you could have for the night. You knew that there was one close by as you and Seokjin had once spent the night there a couple of months prior. At that point your phone had begun to vibrate violently in your pocket but you chose to ignore it, only focused on getting to somewhere safe where you could construct a game plan. The motel was kind of run down and old but beggars can't be choosers so you quickly entered the front door and approached the desk, nervous as to who you would be met with.

"Hey there! Are you wanting to rent a room for the- Oh my god you poor thing, you're soaked!" The guy behind the counter exclaimed when he looked up at you, looking purely horrified. You nodded and looked down at yourself, chuckling softly at your appearance even though it was anything but funny. The guy tutted softly and pulled out a sheet of paper and a card processor, instructing you to write your details down and pay for your stay before as to ensure that you wouldn't sneak away in the early hours without paying. As you were entering the hall, the guy handed you some towels that you could use to dry up, offering a warm smile that honestly made you feel better.

After getting dried, yo opened your phone to see your phone being overrun by texts and calls frm Jin, yor phone having heated up from how many notifications were coming through all at once. If you were being completely honest, you didn't really want to talk to him after the way he had reacted to you asking for help. It seemed that he was panicking about you but you just couldn't see why as he had been the one who hadn't really wanted to help you.

"Hello? Y/n?" Seokjin called as soon as you answered one of his calls that came through, his voice a higher pitch than it usually was. You didn't answer, simply waiting for him to say something worth while before you began. "I'm so sorry Y/n, I was so terrible to you when you needed me the most and I'm so ashamed of myself. Though I should've told you this instead of acting so cold towards you, I need to tell you that I think we've been moving a bit too fast for me to be comfortable. But to be completely honest Y/n, you can come and live with me right now if you need to because I know that you would never ask if you didn't need to. The front door is always open for you."

"I-I don't want to intrude Jin-" You began with a sigh, really wanting to go to him but knowing deep down that there had been a time when he didn't want you there. Just thinking of it made a heat rush to your cheeks due to the embarrassment that it made you feel.

"No, you're not intruding on anything baby I promise you. Please come, I want you to be here with me so that I know you're okay and safe." Jin almost begged, seeming to be pleading with you and it just made all to your resistance crumble. Though things hadn't gone the way you had wanted them to, you weren't going to let that keep you in the motel when you had the chance to go to Jin where you would be happy and content. You chuckled and agreed, ending the call before gathering your things again and exiting the motel. You couldn't stay mad at Jin for what he had done because you understood where he was coming from when he said that he felt as if things were rushed. All that mattered was that he was willing to have you there, even if a part of him was hesitant.

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