Consequences of an augur; K.TH

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Ever since he was a child Taehyung had dreamt of being an augur. Fighting against evil wizards and keeping the wizard world safe was all that Taehyung had ever wanted to do, even though he knew that the job wasn't as beautiful as he had always thought it to be. Coming from a long line of successful augurs and powerful wizards, Taehyung had been exposed to these awful consequences through the stories his father and uncles had told him. As well as that, Taehyung had lost his older brother, Jonghyun, whilst he was on duty.

"What's all the commotion in the third quarter?" Taehyung asked curiously as he rushed to the report room, Seokjin following him with a clipboard and a pen in his hands. The emergency alarm had been sounded on seconds prior and Taehyung had dropped everything to rush to the case files to see if he had been assigned any tasks.

"Apparently a dark, unknown wizard is creating quite the scene in the town's market place. Muggles in the square are in chaos and augurs are required to take him down and wipe the muggles' memories of the events. Taehyung-ah! You've been assigned with taking the man down! This is what you've been waiting for!" Jin exclaimed, pushing his glasses up his nose whilst beaming excitedly. Taehyung didn't smile or cheer in excitement, stopping suddenly to pull the files up, scouring the respires for any clue as to who it may be.

Description: A man with a height of approximately 1.81 metres, looking to be around 25 years of age. Is wearing long, black dress robes with gold linings. Hair is styled with an undercut, silver roots and purple ends. Location is Market Crescent in Ilsan-gu.

Taehyung froze for a second, eyes widening only slightly but Seokjin noticed, frowning at Taehyung's reaction as the man seemed caught off-guard which was very unusual. Reaching out to him, Seokjin placed his hand on Taehyung's and shook him softly, bringing him out of the daze that he had placed himself in. To say that his behaviour was out of the ordinary was an understatement.

"Seokjin...Doesn't this description sound a lot like Joonie to you? Look, it's happening in Ilsan-gu, his hometown right?" Taehyung rambled quickly, pointing at the key bits of information that pointed all arrows to his former best friend when they were at hogwarts together. Jin's face slowly dropped, eyes widening in shock as he gripped the piece of paper in his trembling hands, clipboard having been thrown to the side as his priorities. The slight tremble in Jin's stance made Taehyung's heart hurt but he didn't show it, choosing to rest his hand on Jin's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I-It can't be Joonie, he isn't evil you know that Tae. There's got to be more to the sto-" Jin began before another alarm began to blast out of the speakers above them, hurting their ears so badly that they had to cover them with their palms. This alarm was much like the other but had a higher pitch, one that let everyone know that the situation had turned deadly. Without waiting for Jin to collect himself, Taehyung rushed to the floo-powder rooms in order to get where he needed to be.

"Ilsan-gu, Market Crescent." Taehyung declared before dropping the handful of powder, that he had retrieved from his pocket, at his feet. The flames engulfed Taehyung's body but it didn't burn, a comforting warmth if anything.

As soon as he arrived at the scene Taehyung was in pure shock at the devastation and destruction that had been inflicted upon the once peaceful area. Muggles had been lifted high up into the air, completely frozen in whatever they had been doing when the spell was cast, slowly rotating in a clock-wise direction. The market stalls that usually lined the streets were all blown to pieces, the only evidence that they were ever there being the holes in the ground where they had once been connected. And there, right in the middle of all the chaos, stood Kim Namjoon.

Taehyung could see from the manic look on Namjoon's face that something wasn't quite right. Having grown up with the man, Taehyung knew that Namjoon was the most calm, level-headed person you could ever come across. To keep the element of surprise, Taehyung attempted to stealthily approach Namjoon from behind as there was nothing that he could take cover behind. Namjoon had made sure of that whilst destroying the area.

"You should know better Taehyung-ie. Trying to sneak up on me won't work, I have eyes in the back of my head!" Namjoon chortled, turning around so suddenly that Taehyung didn't have time to react, slamming into the older man with a loud 'THUMP' A vine-like string of magic suddenly coiled its way around Taehyung's body and effectively kept him in place whilst Namjoon stepped away and circled around him, looking him up and down as if he were inspecting him for some reason. The look in the older man's eyes made Taehyung's skin crawl in fear.

"What are you doing Namjoon this is so wrong! All these innocent people that have done nothing to you, suffering because of you! This isn't who you are hyung, please stop this before it is too late!" Taehyung yelled, trying desperately to make Namjoon see sense before any other augurs arrived to kill him. Or worse, they would send him to Azkaban and lock him away with the dementors for the rest of his days. Namjoon smiled at Taehyung but it wasn't the smile he usually gave to the younger man, having traded in the usual dimples for a grin that almost spread from ear to ear.

"But this is me Taehyung! Following after the Dark Lord's wishes is all i've ever wanted to do, I just never told you. Why would I want to share this earth with dirty muggles when we can create a world with just wizards? Think of how amazing that could be." Namjoon explained, raking both of his hands through his hair and laughing loudly. If there was any definition for the word 'insanity', Namjoon would've definitely ticked off every box. "Very sorry Taehyung-ie but I can't have you getting in me way and trying to stop me can I?"

Namjoon kissed Taehyung's forehead softly before pulling away and retrieving his wand from his pocket, pressing it harshly against the skin of Taehyung's throat. The pressure in which he was doing so cut off Taehyung's airways, already harming him before he had even began to chant whatever spell he was going to use to kill the boy.

Before he had a chance to do anything, a beam of white light suddenly emerged from behind Namjoon and pierced him right through the chest and the heart. All emotion fell from the man's face and his arm went limp, eyes opening wider than they had originally been. Slowly, with the last bit of energy he had, Namjoon turned to face who had caught him off-guard.

"Thought you had eyes in the back of your head, Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin said sternly, tears lacing his eyes as he watched Namjoon crumble into a heap on the floor, the life leaving his eyes as his soul left his body. The terror and fear inflicted by Namjoon was over, but was there really any justice? No one would ever know what caused Namjoon to go down that path of darkness.

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