300 Days; BTS

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It's been 300 days. 300 days since I fell in love with each and every single one of you. 300 days that i've had the pleasure of witnessing you achieve the goals you once dreamt of achieving. 300 days that you've made better, just by existing. 300 days that have been filled with nothing but the thoughts of you.

The first to catch my eye was you, Min Yoongi, and ever since that day you've always been the one I go to whenever i'm stressed or angry, even though you don't even know who I am. All it takes is watching your face light up with that adorable smile of yours to calm me down from even my highest points of rage and for that I am thankful for your existence. You may never know who I am but I am fine with that, I ,as well as many others, are at peace just by knowing that you're alive and well, having everything you have. The lyrics you write are filled with nothing but raw emotion and passion and I believe that that's the reason why you've been so successful, besides your amazing talent. Please, just take care of yourself.

Whenever I see your smile Taehyung, my heart leaps with joy. To see such happiness on your face makes me want to be happy and I hold that feeling extremely close to my heart. Things haven't always been easy for you and the other members, hell, they aren't really perfect now but as long as you have someone to talk to then you're going to be fine. The way you speak up for the things you believe in and set your own standards is admirable and I truly wish to be like you one day, so passionate and loyal to the very end. Don't even get me started on your duality, I lose my breath at the very thought of it. I hope that this break is doing you well and that you're resting well after all that you and the others have been doing. You truly deserve it.

To say you have the highest IQ Namjoon, you're the clumsiest person i've ever encountered. Just a couple of days ago I watched a compilation of all the aftermath of your clumsiness and it honestly made me hysterical. I have just one question for you, how does one break a floor? Besides that, you're truly a fallen angel. Through all the tough times and the challenges you have stayed strong and been a shoulder to cry on for the other members and for that you hold all of my love. I worry about you a lot, even though I have no need to because you're the strongest person ever. I'm crying now whilst writing this but it's not of sadness, it's of happiness, for I am eternally grateful for everything you have done. The way you tend to shy away from public affection because you feel awkward is the cutest thing. Please, for army, rest your mind and take some time.

For Jimin, I could write an entire 100 chapter book with 5000 words in each of them about how much you mean to me. The way you smile so hard that your eyes disappear and leave small crescents is the most wholesome thing. Life hasn't been easy on you, anyone can admit that but you're one of the most determined people I know, having pulled yourself from that dark place. Body image issues are a real killer, I should know, but I thank you for making me realise that I didn't need to be society's idea of perfect, only mine. Only my opinion matters and I understand that now, all because of you and the other members. The tears in my eyes now must be nothing compared to the ones you shed and that makes me want to bawl even harder. You sound like a spoilt brat when you whine but you're a cute brat so you're obviously excused. Keep this time to yourself and allow yourself to rest.

I never thought it was possible to look directly at the sun until I saw you Hoseok. That beautiful smile that makes me feel so honoured and blessed to witness it just spreads happiness wherever it is sent. Your smile is contagious, that's one thing i know for sure. It can't be easy, having to stay happy all of the time whilst on camera an I know that. Don't bottle up your emotions and think that covering them with a smile will help because it won't. How grateful you must be to have the others and your family. Hearing you laugh makes me laugh, I just can't help it. No one knows how angry it makes me feel when someone so blindly insults someone like you, someone who tries their hardest to make people happy. I've defended you so fiercely sometimes that people think i'm crazy but I don't mind. I care about you a lot, millions upon millions of people do.

Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin. How could anyone dislike such a handsome face, or your attractive personality. Your humour is sometimes questioned but that only makes you more beautiful in my eyes. In these short but amazing 300 days i've realised that you're not appreciated enough, not even nearly enough. You're taken for granted and honestly it's sickening. The vocals that you produce are legendary, regardless of what anyone else says because they're wrong. I miss you a lot when you're not active and you worry me a lot, your mental health hasn't always been the best and I know how that feels. Here we go, I'm crying for the 3rd time since I started writing this thing. If anyone in this world deserves the best then it is you for you try so hard to give your absolute best, even if it means you're exhausted. So take this break as time to let your thoughts cool down and your mental health to improve because that's what is important.

Last but certainly not least, Jungkookie. Muscle bunny, golden maknae, John Cook. There's so many different names for you that at first I thought there were 3 of you. How can I put into words how much you mean to me? How do I describe the way my heart clenches whenever you laugh so hard that you crease or when you smile so hard that your nose crinkles. How do I describe the way my heart melts when you get embarrassed because of the way you cover your ears and giggle. If it weren't for Namjoon you wouldn't have been part of BigHit and you stayed because of Jin, only further showing how much the other members truly mean to you. Every single one of those boys are your soulmates and I truly believe that. These 300 days with you have been my happiest and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an escape when things got too hard.

In 65 days, I will have been with the 7 of you for a year. An entire year. This time has flown by and it's hard to think of how sad and lost i truly was until I had you to be passionate about. I want to spend many more hundreds of days with you, years of my life happier just because you're in it. Even if I don't want to think about it just yet, there will be a day when you're forced to disband and I'm truly dreading that day but for now I'll just keep living as if you're going to be with me every step of the way. Happy 300 days of loving you, 300 of the best days of my life.

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