I'll Keep You Safe; M.YG

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Securely, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist as you both stared at the stars. The mist that escaped the both of your mouths and into the cold, winter air hid most of the stars from you but you didn't care, just as long as you were with Yoongi.

The truth was, you were very sick. You had been diagnosed with a rare disease as a child but recently it had been taking a toll on you, draining you and giving you infections that your body couldn't fight off. The doctors worried for you and predicted that you didn't have long left, slowly diminishing into nothing.

Yoongi was scared to lose you, as any loving boyfriend would be. He didn't want to live in a world in which you wouldn't be in but wanted to fulfil your last wish and go off to college and make a better life for himself.

"What do you think it's like Yoongi?" You asked notoriously while childishly trying to count how many stars seemed to be going around the perimeter of the moon. Yoongi did a double take and looked down at you, knowing what you meant but not wanting to believe it.

"What do I think is what like, baby?" He asked, praying and hoping that you didn't mean what he thought you meant. A long, forlorn sigh floated from your lips as you buried your head further into his chest and pulled the blanket further up your chin as you'd suddenly dropped deathly cold.

"Death, what do you think is waiting for us on the other side. Is it happy, sad? Will I be safe there without you? I'm....I'm so scared Yoongi." You suddenly broke down, sobbing into your boyfriend's neck. No matter how much time you had to accept your fate and what was going to happen, it didn't stop the fear of what would happen once everything was over.

Would it be painful? Would you be alone? So many questions were running through your brain and giving you a headache. Yoongi was able to see right through the act that you had been playing for the last couple of weeks, knowing that you were frightened of your upcoming fate.

"I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine. Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see, I can be all you need. I'll always keep your soul in my heart, you're the only thing on my mind forever." He whispered into your ear before placing his lips on your forehead and kissing it softly.

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