Bored; K.SJ

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Finally after going through the same situation with Jin time after time again, you had had enough of the continuous mind games that he was playing with you, constantly playing games that left your mind reeling. One minute he would be all for you, feeding you fruit and buying you flowers and then the next he would be dismissing you and being cold with you. You didn't want to be that way forever.

Slowly, you made your way up to Jin in class and tried to decipher what type of mood he was in. His full attention was on his friends as he laughed and joked with them, probably talking about some girls ass. Apparently he was in a good mood because as soon as he saw you he hugged you and buried his face into your neck.

"I missed you, so so much." He mumbled into your ear while running his hands through your hair. The truth was that Jin was scared to death of you leaving him so he was trying to keep you on your toes, not allowing himself nor you become too comfortable with the relationship.

"Jin...we need to talk." You whispered, voice breaking a little as you became increasingly nervous. Jin froze and his eyes snapped open in worry, tightening his grip around you as if you were going to disappear into thin air. He had nobody else but you, nobody that he could confide in without feeling like he was being stupid or that his thoughts were irrelevant.

"Now? Class is about to..." He began before you dragged him outside and into the deserted hall, Jin still holding your hand tightly. You noticed how he his palms had become sweaty and his pulse has quickened but took no notice of it, not wanting to find something to make you not want to do this.

"I've wanted to say this for a while now but have never had the courage to do so. I'm not afraid anymore to tell you how I feel and how wrong you treat me. You mentally abuse me and i'm done with it, these mind games are over. What makes you sure you're all I need? Forget about it. When you walk out the door and leave me torn, you're teaching me to live without you. I'm sorry Jin, we're over." You said as confidently as you could before walking away, leaving Jin staring at the laminate floor and rethinking everything wrong he had done to you and regretting it.

He knew that he would find anyone that cared for him like you did, someone that would give him everything that they had without a second thought. And for sure, he regretted losing you for the rest of his life as he watched you be happy with another man.

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