Arranged marriage; K.SJ

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The four of you sat around the dinner table, forks scraping across the white plates every couple of seconds as you ate. The atmosphere was tense and awkward, no one really knowing what to say or do in the current situation.

"So, the agreement is made. Seokjin and Y/n will marry to benefit the success of our businesses. Any things to add in?" Jin's father states after placing his cutlery down and wiping the sides of his mouth with a napkin. You sighed forlornly and put another piece of potato in your mouth to stop yourself from saying anything.

"Yes, I don't want this and I never will." Jin spat, glaring harshly at his parents from the other side of the table. The man had been placed next to you in hopes that the two of you would have a conversation and get to know each other better.

"Jin wait-" His mother started before Jin harshly pulled his chair back and left the room, slamming the doors as he went. Everything was silent for a couple of seconds before his father turned to you, giving you a sympathetic smile as if he were apologising for his son's unprofessional behaviour.

"Why don't you go chase after him? It may seem like we're being unfair with this but it's the necessary move to keep both of our businesses afloat." He sighs while pushing his glasses up from the end of his nose, the rest of the adults nodding along. Politely, you rose from your seat and bowed to them before speed walking in the direction that Jin went.

"You shouldn't be so harsh on your parents, they're doing this to benefit us in a strange way. It's not so bad...right?" You mumbled nervously once you found him in the garden, perched on a bench under a large blossom tree. Jin sighed and shrugged his broad shoulders, not knowing how to reply because he knew you were right.

There was no real reason as to why Jin didn't want the marriage, purely not liking the idea because he felt as if his future was being stolen from him. As a teenager, Jin had dreamed that he would marry the love of his life - preferably his first love.

"I just don't really like the idea of my future being decided for me, you know? Like, I've always been a 'go with the flow' type of person and this situation makes me feel like a caged bird." Jin confessed while you sat next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder comfortingly. You knew exactly how he felt but you also felt lucky as there could be worse people to marry.

"We'll just have to power through it, together." You mumbled, eyes closed as you let the air travel through your hair and your mind stay silent. It felt like everything was peaceful, your soul at one with your mind.

"Together." Jin replies, intertwining his fingers through yours.

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