Hidden feelings; K.NJ

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You giggled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as Namjoon continued to explain why 'little women' was his favourite classic novel out of all the different choices he was offered. The light in his eyes shone brightly when he smiled as he, in more detail than necessary , described each and every character and going into depth on the reasons why he admired them as much as he did. So much thought went into his words and you found yourself gazing in awe at him, hanging on to every word that came out of his mouth, even though you weren't really interested in it.

The way his hands moved when he spoke as if he was trying to visually show you the things he was talking about made your heart melt, loving every little thing about him, even the most insignificant things. The amount of detail and explanation of the characters and their personalities that came from Namjoon made you feel as if you knew them personally, an old friend or family relative, and only showed just how passionate he was about the subject. Literature was obviously his major, anyone would've been able to guess it.

You found yourself wondering off into a world of your own, imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with Namjoon. It didn't take much for you to imagine this as it was your heart's most sought for desire. You wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around Namjoon and kiss him, getting lost in a world in which only the two of you existed. For what seemed like an eternity you had been fawning over thoughts of ideal dates and all of the things that the two of you could do together.

"Y/n are you paying attention? What's gotten into you today, is everything ok?" Namjoon asked politely as you had been staring at him with a small smile on your face for a while now, making him worry that he had something on his face. You immediately snapped out of your perfect daydream and nodded slowly at his words, a ghost of a smile on your lips. It was a bit embarrassing to be caught staring at your crush but Namjoon was so easy going that he didn't think much of it, nodding in acknowledgement and returning a smile.

Namjoon was beautiful but you knew that the relationship and bond between the two of you would never be able to be more than friends and this thought physically made your heart feel as if it were crumbling to pieces . People like Namjoon just didn't go for people like you and that's just how it was, unfortunate for you, though yo knew that Namjoon was way too kind to ever say such a thing - to your face. You'd have given anything to be the apple of his eye, the only person he ever wanted to be with or spend his precious time with, just as he was to you.

Namjoon looked up into your eyes and then down at your lips hesitantly, tongue poking out of his mouth to wet his own, causing them to shine slightly when the light reflected on them the right way. It almost felt as though he was going to lean in and kiss you but this was no fairytale or sappy series, you knew that he couldn't and wouldn't even if he wanted to. Though he would never admit, Namjoon cared about his reputation a lot. Just as fast as he had looked at you, Namjoon quickly looked back at his book and continued to read, acting as if the moment had never happened at all.

This made you wonder if you would ever be more than just friends as he had been confusing you for a long time. You were getting sick of being toyed with, even if Namjoon had never admitted that he wanted more from you. One minute he would be flirty and touchy with you and the next he would dismiss you coldly, acting as you never existed and held no significance to him at all. It was a tiring, hurtful circle that you desperately wanted to end but no matter how much you tried to you just couldn't stay away from him, the emotional pull on your heart whenever you were around him was too hard to ignore.

You wondered if Namjoon ever looked at you and thought the things that you thought about when you were near him. Did he too, secretly of course, want to be more than friends? But you also wondered if you would have to hide the love that desperately tried to explode out of you chest every time you were around him, stuck with a high school crush for the rest of your life.

(A.N - My writing glow up happened in the middle of writing these imagines so like my longer and better imagines are closer to the end of this )

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