Transfiguration prodigy; M.YG

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From his very first lesson in transfiguration in his first year, Yoongi had excelled in that area of magic. On the first try, Yoongi managed to straight away transform the auburn-haired rat into the jewel-encrusted goblet, a sparkle twinkling in his eyes as he looked down at what he had managed to do. There had been a shocked expression on his face, a little smile blooming on his lips as he realised that nobody else in the entire class had been able to complete the task, too complicated for their newly found powers to create just yet. It was such an acheivement for himself, something he could treasure and hold close to his heart.

"Ah, another Min gracing my classroom eh? I'm quite optimistic about your future in transfiguration, Yoongi. I think that you shall do quite well here." Professor McGonagall spoke as she had stood in front of Yoongi's desk, a fond expression on her face as she looked down at Yoongi's work as if it were one of her children. It was that which made him want to try in her classes, much more than he did in any others, due to the fact that he was good at it. If Yoongi was going to excel in something then he needed to be devoted to it and that he was, creating a knack for the subject that most wizards never got to grips with. Devoting all of his time to transfiguration was what Yoongi decided to do.

"Y-You knew my brother?" Yoongi had stuttered nervously, biting his thin bottom lip anxiously as if he was dreading whatever she was going to say about him. It was no secret in his family that his brother was always the favourite, the child that got everything right. To Yoongi, it was nice to finally get some sort of praise but not so nice as it was related to his brother. There wasn't a worse feeling than being compared to someone who you look up to, it was quite off-putting. His brother wasn't mean about it and never threw it in his face that he was smarter than him, the problem created in Yoongi's own mind as if to remind him that he needed to do better.

"Yes in fact I do, very well. Though he didn't care for my subject, found it rather boring and unchallenging. The thing with your brother was that he lacked passion, always thinking that he was above average. I'm hoping that you differ from that poisonous trait." She had spoken before drifting off to the other side of the room to help other students out who were struggling with the tasks. Yoongi sat there with a large grin on his face, finally feeling as if he had something that he should be proud of.

Many years on whilst he was in his fourth year, the topics of the transfiguration classes began to get tougher, almost too tough for Yoongi to bear. It took everything that he had to put his all into what he was learning, struggling to keep up with the homework as he was given lots from other classes as well. Slowly but surely, Yoongi began to fall behind in most of his classes, due to the fact that he was concentrating on one class only - transfiguration. It came to the point where Yoongi found himself dreading the hours on his timetable that he had transfiguration instead of awaiting it as he had in his first, second and third year.

"I've had some...queries about how you're doing Mr Min. Apparently you're not doing as well in some of the main O.W.L curriculums that you should be. Do you have a reason for this, boy?" Snape had mumbled sternly as Yoongi sat in the potions classroom, his head slightly tipped back due to the constant pains he had been getting there. The stress of his building up work was beginning to really affect him, causing him to get even more behind as his motivation was nearly entirely burnt out. As if all of the passion had left his body, Yoongi just couldn't bring himself to care.

"Got no reason sir, if i'm being completely honest. I'm just finding it harder and harder to keep up with everything. Don't you understand how much pressure theres put on me to excel?" Yoongi replied, a rude edge to his voice that Snape definitely picked up on but decided not to comment on. Surprisingly, Snape was quite fond of the boy and could tell that he wasn't himself. There was something bothering him and he needed to get to the bottom of it. The light bubbling of the cauldron at the back of the class acted to break any awkwardness or tension that was building up.

"Doing bad in every class but transfiguration is what i've heard Yoongi. Wouldn't you agree that maybe you're focusing on transfiguration more than you should be? It's not secret that you're very talented but limiting yourself to that one subject will keep you locked in a box, unable to extend your knowledge and flourish. Take my words into consideration when completing homework. Goodnight Min Yoongi." Snape had mumbled before leaving the classroom, leaving Yoongi to mull over the words in his mind.

It was obvious that Professor Snape was right, his words directly hitting the nail on the head. The conversation, or the small amount of words that were spoken, completely opened Yoongi's eyes to a new view on things, something that he could base his improvement off of as he didn't want to make it all about him, even though it really was.

Steadily, Yoongi was able to spread all of his free time out, sharing out the hours so that each of his subjects had an equal amount of his time. This time was spent completing assignments and homework but also practicing spells that he had both mastered and failed on, aiding Yoongi to improve the way he learnt in lessons. The key thing Yoongi had learned whilst improving himself was that he didn't need to constantly compare himself to his brother and what he achieved because Yoongi wasn't him and they were strong in different areas. Feeling content and happy with the way his life was going, Yoongi managed to keep on top of everything he needed to do whilst also making time for himself so that he wasn't too stressed out.

Studying wasn't everything that mattered, taking care of himself both mentally and physically, however, was.

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