Smuggling an Area 51 alien; J.JK

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It was all over your social media timeline, the posts seeming to be never ending. The whole situation was quite confusing to you and it didn't help that Jungkook had been MIA the entire day, something about going out with the other members for a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' You didn't even want to imagine what they were doing that was so important but one thing was obvious: they'd joined in on the raid. They'd always been adventurous, even if that meant them getting into serious trouble.

Many hours later when the sun had long since set and the birds slept in their nests, Jungkook slowly crept through the door in order to keep his presence unknown. He didn't know what he was going to tell you about his day once you woke up, all he cared about was keeping the lump in his jacket unknown to absolutely anyone, especially the government. Little squeaks and mumbled gibberish came from the mysterious creature which Jungkook immediately tried to hush, not wanting to wake you up and cussing once he heard you call his name from upstairs.

"You better have the most genuine excuse for where you've been Jeon Jungkook or I swear you'll never sleep in this bed ever again! I've been worri-" You screeched, rushing downstairs and stopping in your tracks once you witnessed Jungkook trying to quickly ram something into the closet where you kept all of your coats. With one hand on your hip and a single eyebrow raised, you stated Jungkook out with a look that said 'you better move before i move you myself.' Knowing that he'd been caught, Jungkook sighed and stepped away from the closet, exposing you to the sight of a podgy little green creature staring up at you expectantly.

"Jeon Jungkook," You carefully muttered, eyes never leaving the alien he'd so stupidly stolen from the government. Jungkook, attempting to act innocent, hummed in acknowledgement and attempted to slyly close the closet door to break your view of his contraband friend, even though you'd already clearly seen the alien. "What the hell is that...thing!" You cried, slamming the closet door closed and grabbing your phone out of your dressing gown pocket with intent to call the FBI or an alien hunter of some kind.

"You can't call the government Y/n, they'll take Barry away from me! I promise he'll be good, can't we keep him? Please!" Jungkook begged whilst attempting to softly take the phone away from you, struggling as you had an iron grip on the contraption. Realising that Jungkook had already given the alien a gender and a name, you gave Jungkook a puzzled look and dropped the phone, choosing to slap him on the head. The slaps weren't too hard on his cute head, only enough to startle him and show him that you weren't messing around.

"So amongst stealing that thing from a government base and running away with it, you managed to give it a name? Are you insane Jungkook, what the hell were you thinking?" You yelled, very aware that the alien had pushed the closet door open and was climbing out of the space, it's black eyes peering around the room curiously. It's skin was a bright neon green, a scary contrast with its eyes which made it much more terrifying. Maybe if it had been taller than 2ft you would've been petrified of it.

"Isn't he adorable though Y/n? You should've seen him in the car on the way home, it was crazy. Bit by bit he morphed into Yoongi hyung, there wasn't a difference between the two I swear it! Please say he can stay, he's all alone there." Jungkook said sadly, his bright doe eyes begging you, making him look like an innocent puppy and further encouraging you to let him off the hook. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't seem to get your head around the fact that you had an actual alien that was now trying to bite its way through a box of cereal that had originally been on top of the fridge. You didn't even want to question how it got it down.

"Whatever but if the FBI or men in black come for you and him, i'm completely clueless." You snapped before sighing and looking at the alien, shocked to see that it was now standing on the kitchen table, peering up at you with his dark eyes. It was unsettling to say the least but Jungkook cooed as if it were the cutest thing he'd ever seen and picked it up, mumbling some nonsense about putting him in the bath, all ready for bed. From your view you could see the alien peer over Jungkook's shoulder at you, winking one of his large saucer eyes, seeming to chuckle at himself before he disappeared round the corner with Jungkook.

A couple days later
"Jungkook! Your damn alien is trying to eat the couch again!" You groaned in annoyance before pulling 'Barry' away from the couch in which was halfway down his throat. Grimacing at the sheen of saliva left on the cushions, you held Barry at arms length by the scruff of his neck. Barry simply hung there, letting his green limbs dangle almost as if he were dead, the occasional blink and random twitch assuring you that Jungkook's green companion was alive and well. Once Jungkook came into the room he snatched Barry from you and held the alien to his chest, babying him as if he were a child.

"He can't help it Y/n, it's in his nature. If you keep nagging him, his first words will be to tell you to shutup." Jungkook joked, putting Barry back onto the sofa and sitting beside him before pulling his phone out and began messaging his band members. Within the blink of an eye, Barry had completely morphed himself into Jungkook, his eyes still looking distant but now in the shape of Jungkook's doe eyes. Creeped out, you slapped Jungkook's leg and pointed at Barry, only for Jungkook to cheer and begin to video him, planning to put it on his story.

"Sometimes I can't tell the difference between you and the alien, you're both strange." You scoffed before walking upstairs, leaving Jungkook to dig himself into an even deeper hole with the government.

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