Protective Brother; J.JK

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Everywhere you went you could guarantee that Jungkook would somehow be keeping tabs on you, worried about your safety and making sure that no harm came your way. Jungkook would constantly pester you when you were out with friends by asking where you were and who you were with, just to make sure that you weren't hanging around with anyone that he didn't approve of. He had made it pretty clear that any type of guy was off limits and did everything to keep it that way, even going as far as to threaten any boy that even attempted to get closer to you.

You felt suffocated and isolated due to him acting this way but understood that he was only doing it to make sure you were safe and somewhat happy. It had been the same ever since you were born as he had promised that he would protect you from all harm. He loved you with everything that he had. He didn't mean to be suffocating but he didn't know any other ways to get his influence across, other than trying to control almost every aspect of your life.

You had been invited to a party but knew that Jungkook would never let you go because you had been invited by a guy, one that Jungkook had warned yo to stay away from multiple times. The only other option was to sneak out and that was a suicide mission on itself, seeing as Jungkook made sure to check on you a lot. If Jungkook ever found you sneaking out you were pretty sure that he'd lock you in the attic and only open the door to feed you and give you water.

On the night of the party, you made sure that Jungkook had been sleeping before quietly sneaking out of the front door, tip toeing down the stone path as your shoes always seemed to sound loud whenever you walked on it and you definitely didn't want to Jungkook to stir and notice your absence. You prayed to god that he wouldn't wake up before you got back as you knew that all hell would break loose if he woke up with you nowhere to be seen.

During the party the guy that had invited you began to be too touchy with you, causing you to feel uncomfortable and pressured whilst with him. You knew that what he was doing was wrong but didn't have the courage to push him away as you felt like you owed him for some reason which was a vey dangerous feeling as yo knew that he wold take advantage of it. Surprisingly, you found yourself looking around for Jungkook and wishing that he would come and save you even though you had gone to all this effort to escape him.

Suddenly, the front door was kicked open revealing a fuming Jungkook as he scoped out the room, obviously looking for you. His eyes landed on the guy touching you and his eyes narrowed as he cracked his knuckles menacingly, extremely angry that a guy had even dared to lay a finger on you when everyone knew not to. "Get away from my sister!" Jungkook roared as he made his way over to you both, hands clenched tightly into fists which was quite intimidating. The guy's eyes widened as he took in the tallness of your brother and he stepped away from you in fear, not wanting to get beat up by Jungkook who was quickly getting closer and closer.

Before you could stop him, Jungkook's right fist pounded into the guys face repeatedly, creating black and purple bruises wherever he came into contact with the guy's face. A vein on his forehead stood out as he got more angry and released the energy into his punches, only causing them to come down harder and harder. It scared you and caused you to latch on to Jungkook's arm, knowing that he'd leave him alone if there was a risk that you'd be harmed.

"Stay away from my sister!" Jungkook spat once he had gotten up off of him left him alone, grabbing your arm and roughly pulling you away from the party. Jungkook's chest was rising and falling heavily as he breathed, revealing to you that he was as mad as you had feared he would be. You knew that he wouldn't hurt you but a disappointed Jungkook wasn't a good thing for anyone. "You put yourself at risk tonight, nearly wasting every effort that i have gone to in order to keep you safe. What were you thinking Y/n? I raised you better than this!" He yelled as soon as you both got into the car. Not once did he look back at you but concentrated on something in front of you as he didn't want to get too heated.

"I'm sorry Kookie, I just wanted to be normal and get the experience like you did! Don't you think that's fair?" You tried to reason, not wanting to sound like a spoiled brat as you were thankful for Jungkook's efforts. Jungkook shook his head disappointedly and scraped his hair back off of his forehead in agitation, sighing as he did so.

"We'll talk about this at home, put your seatbelt on." He murmured before starting the car and driving home, the journey being silent and awkward as neither one of you knew what to say.

As soon as the two of you got into the safety of your house, Jungkook wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into a warm hug. It was as if all the tension that had built up between the two of you in the car had somehow managed to drift away, only leaving the comfortable atmosphere you usually had.

"I'm sorry for scaring you Kookie." You whispered as Jungkook played with the tips of your hair fondly, an act he had done ever since you'd grown hair as a baby. It soothed him and made him feel calmer, like a pacifier with a child.

"You are too important to me Y/n, this is why I am so protective over you. What almost happened earlier is the reason why I keep you so sheltered. I don't want you to witness those parts of the world, nor be corrupted by them." Jungkook replied, now pulling your face from out of his chest and holding you at arms length. Worry was evident in his dark orbs and you couldn't help but feel guiltier than you already did.

"I-I know Kookie-ah but I just wanted to feel like a normal teenager for once." You attempted to reason, causing Jungkook to curse loudly and remove one of his hands from your shoulder so that he could sweep his brunette locks out of his eyes. There was nothing that made you sadder than a disappointed Jungkook.

"I raised you better than this Y/n, to know how to keep yourself safe. I've watched you grow from being a baby and blossom into a beautiful young woman, having been there for you when our own parents failed to. If anything ever happened to you, I couldn't live with myself." Jungkook said sternly while making eye contact with you, his eyes softening slightly when your bottom lip wobbled.

It was true that Jungkook had been the only father, and sometimes mother, figure that you'd ever known. Your parents were irresponsible and as soon as Jungkook turned 18 while you were just 9 they had left you under Jungkook's care. Ever since then, Jungkook had made sure that he gave you enough attention and care for both parents.

"This isn't fair Jungkook. Okay, i get it that tonight something bad could've happened to me but i'm not living how I should! I bet that when you were my age you were going to parties and doing even worse than me so why can't I!" You whined, pouring your lips slightly while Jungkook just rolled his eyes at you and sighed deeply. He knew you were right but he just couldn't shake the thought of you getting hurt or worse.

"You're right but...i'll meet you halfway. You have my permission to go to parties as long as you take either Taehyung hyung or Jimin hyung. deal?" Jungkook offered with a small smile on his lips, holding out his hand for you to shake. Though you didn't exactly want to pull one of your brother's friends around a party with you, you quickly agreed and hugged Jungkook harder than you ever had before.

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