Another Love; K.TH

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He wanted to be able to take you places that you wanted to go and spoil you, treating you like the princess that he saw you as. The world was in your hands and Taehyung wanted to help you explore it, make the most of it.

But there was always something holding him back; his ex. She had torn everything that he stood for and believed in into shreds and stamped on any self esteem that he owned just for fun. She had mentally abused him and broken him down until he was left with a broken mosaic of who he used to be.

You did everything you could to help build him back up to his true greatness but it seemed that no matter what you did, Taehyung managed to shatter and break. He was like sand that continuously slipped through your fingers.

"Why don't you let me help you Taehyung, let me love you!" You exclaimed, grasping his shoulders and pulling at his body as if it was going to bring his soul back to life and fill with passion. He just stared at you and crumbled, not knowing how to stay afloat. A slump was what he was in and he just couldn't straighten himself out. It was bringing the both of you down but neither of you had the strength to let go.

"I can't." He mumbled with tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping onto his shirt. You frowned in confusion and shook him harder, acting as if that was going to knock some sense into him or something like that. Already, you could tell that the relationship was taking the turn for the worst and you didn't think that you could survive without Taehyung.

"What are you talking about Taehyung? You love me, right? Come on, please." You pleaded, tears beginning to gather in your eyes too. Taehyung hated it when you cried and he hated it even more when he was the cause. He always wanted you to be happy, forever.

"I'm too damaged, you'll just end up hurt," he began before making eye contact with you, reaching out to stroke your cheek and wipe the tears away,

"I wanna cry and I wanna love but all my tears have been used up...on another love."

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