Miscarriage; M.YG

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Tears flowed down your cheeks but your face stayed emotionless, bags gracing the skin under your eyes in the most haunting way. There was nothing going through your head.

Everything was blank.

You could hear the distant buzzing of the hospital monitors and the constant ringing of a phone in the reception. The annoying sounds seemed to stick in your brain like glue as even when they stopped you could still hear them, drowning out any rational thoughts that you had left.

You were astounded that so many people were outside going about their lives, completely unaware of the tragedy that had just occurred. The loss of a life that hadn't even been given a chance to make something for itself before it was ripped away and taken to the gates of heaven.

"I'm very sorry for your loss Mr and Mrs Min. We prescribe you to take it easy for the next couple of weeks as the grieving process begins." The doctor said with a sympathetic look on his face. It was never easy to deliver news like this, no matter how many times they had to do it a week it never got any easier.

Yoongi was distraught, head in his hands to shield the endless tears and silent sobs that racked through his body, shaking his shoulders. He had been so excited to have a child and now you felt that it was never going to be possible, the hope of a family ripped away from your grasping hands as you tried to hang on to it for your own peace and mind.

The doctors had explained that you had problems with your womb and the strength of your uterus wasn't enough to hold a baby, causing the dreadful miscarriage. The chances of ever having a child were next to none and the reality made you feel sick to your stomach.

You looked over at Yoongi just as he removed his hands and the guilt washed over your body as he sniffed and looked out of the window, his face and eyes red from sobbing so hard. Even though he didn't blame you, you felt as if you had robbed him of the chance to be a father and have kids of his own. Self destructive comments, a real killer

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