Its no big deal; K.TH+K.SJ

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"Argh!" Jin yelled in frustration as he got the step wrong again, ending with him facing the wrong way from what he should've been. No matter how hard he tried to get his head to remember the order of the complicated choreography it was as if the information went into one ear and fell out of the other.

Jin had always struggled with dancing, preferring just to sing rather than dance. Most of the time the agency would put him at the back while performing, just in case he made a mistake so that nobody would notice and criticise the group. This made Jin feel worthless, thinking that he was a burden to the group.

"Jin, why don't you take a break while we carry on?" The choreographer said kindly while trying not to further upset Jim, whose cheeks had turned bright red in humiliation and anger towards himself. Jin didn't want to have special treatment, he wanted to be treated like any other idol would've in the situation and this hurt his pride.

Taehyung watched his hyung with worry lacing his dark pupils, flinching a little when Jin heavily sat down on the bench at the left side of the room and glared at his feet. Everyone knew that Jin struggled and had to put more effort in than others usually did, the other members often hearing him practicing early hours in the morning until extremely late at night.

"I'm going to take a break." Taehyung called whilst everyone else was dancing and jogged over to Jin, wanting to be there for him as he didn't look like he was doing his best. It was obvious to Taehyung that the older was upset over the whole ideal and that made him upset too as he was very close with Jin.

"Jin hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung asked softly, not loud enough for others in the room to hear but loud enough for Jin. Startled, Jin's eyes widened a little as well as his mouth before he cleared his throat and desperately tried to make it look like he wasn't on the verge of tears. Hiding his emotions was Jin's most treasured talent.

"Completely fine Tae, go along and practice now I don't want you getting behind just because silly me can't get the simplest step right." Jin said bitterly before chuckling once he realised how sour he sounded, so unlike himself that even he noticed. Taehyung sighed and plopped himself down next to Jin, placing his hand on his shoulder in order to comfort him.

"It's okay to make mistakes sometimes hyung, everyone makes them. You don't have to make the same mistakes again, cheer up cheer up. It's no big deal." Taehyung said with his signature box smile, warming Jin's heart with how genuine and sweet his words were. Slowly, Jin got up with a determined expression and rejoined the other members as they began to dance.

Even though he messed up time and time again, Jin now knew that if he worked on things then he could get to where he wanted to be one day. All thanks to Taehyung.

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