When he doesn't want a baby; M.YG

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You had thought that Yoongi was happy with the news of the child that was on its way into your lives. He had gone to outrageous lengths to show you that he was happy, hiding his true feelings because he didn't want to cause problems or male you too stressed.

But everything was beginning to get to him. The mention of baby clothes made his stomach drop and he'd began to feel queasy, instantly trying to change the subject. The bump that was beginning to form haunted him in his dreams. Though Yoongi called them his worst nightmare.

It wasn't that Yoongi hated the child or felt burdened by it, it was that Yoongi hadn't ever wanted children. While his eomma and appa were elated to hear the news about the pregnancy, Yoongi couldn't help but wish that they had been against it.

"Why are you so cold with me now Yoongi? I feel as if you don't love me anymore." You whispered sadly one evening whilst the two of you laid in bed, watching the rain through a large window opposite to the bed. You noticed how Yoongi's body stiffened and he nervously bit his lips, something that he only did when he was trying to lie.

"W-What do you mean? Everything's fine!" Yoongi exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically, causing you to raise an eyebrow in disbelief as his tone raised warning signs in your brain. It was so obvious that he wasn't telling you that truth and that bothered you as you always wanted to know how he was feeling.

"Come on Yoongi, you can trust me. Whatever it is, i'll help you through it okay?" You said reassuringly while smiling up at him as you had your head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat that was beating incredibly fast.

"I don't want the baby." Yoongi suddenly blurted out, eyes widening in surprise as he hadn't even wanted to say it. Out of everything you thought he would say, this wasn't even on the list. Hell, it didn't even come to mind when you thought of it.

"Y-You...Why didn't you tell me Yoongi. We could've talked about it." You sighed while looking away from him, feeling guilty that he had been suppressing such feelings and stressing about them. Even though there was nothing you could do now as the pregnancy was over 20 weeks, you still felt like there could be something that would help him.

"I was scared that you'd think i was ungrateful because I know that your family has suffered with infertility and each birth is a blessing. The thought of being a father scares me, I won't be a good dad to this baby I can already tell." Yoongi explained, clutching to the soft material of your shirt in case you tried to leave him.

"You're going to be the most amazing father Min Yoongi, our child will love you and idolise you. This is a blessing and I know you can't see it now but that's okay. I still love you." You whispered into Yoongi's hair, noticing how Yoongi was holding you so tightly. So you let him, worrying about the pregnancy and what was going to happen after the birth.

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