Magic isn't always a blessing; M.YG

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"Are you sure about this Yoongi?" You had asked nervously, eyes flickering from his wand, which was stretched out before him, up to his eyes which were soft and familiar, instantly soothing a your worries slightly. A small smile made its way onto Yoongi's face as he nodded and flipped open a dusty old tome that was laid on the stool next to him, obviously reading the spell he had to recite for the spell to take effect.

"Empirium everlasté!" Yoongi suddenly yelled, not giving you the chance to back out of the decision if you'd have wanted to. You didn't have doubts about Yoongi's spell-casting abilities but on the actual spell itself, not believing that it would fulfil its true purpose as you had never heard about a spell that granted eternal youth to whoever the spell landed on. The whole thing seemed a bit shady to you but you went through with it upon Yoongi's wishes, wanting him to feel secure and happy with you.

What had seemed a simple spell had become real complicated and deadly in a matter of a millisecond. Right before Yoongi's eyes, a spark had emitted from the end of his wand and made its way right to you, blasting you right to the other end of the room. With a loud slam and a painful crunch, your body hit the stone wall of Yoongi's family basement and crumbled to the floor, robes stopping Yoongi from seeing any visible damage done to your body.

The spell had only meant to give eternal youth, a spell that had come so easily to everyone else in Yoongi's family. It was a spell that was usually only shared with spouses but Yoongi had been certain that the two of you would stay together forever, not needing a contract to show that you were in love with each other. Unluckily for you, you were living with a heart murmur, one that threatened to end your life at any given moment and Yoongi wasn't willing to allow fate to take you from him. Stupidly, Yoongi hadn't checked if the spell would work on just anyone.

"Y/n? Y/n talk to me, please. Oh god..." Yoongi trailed as he collapsed on to his knees beside you, hands ghosting over your stiff shoulders gently as if any harsh contact would harm you. It was quite obvious to Yoongi that you couldn't feel any pain though as he gently allowed his fingers to brush over your cheek, the ghostly pale skin harbouring to familiar warmth or any colour to it at all. It was disturbing and heart wrenching but Yoongi didn't make a move to try and get help, knowing that it would be useless as the spell had obviously stolen the little life you'd had left.

Suddenly, loud sobs began to uncontrollably spurt from Yoongi's mouth, his shaking hands unable to stifle the pure cries of anguish as he bent over to lean closer to your body. Anyone else would've wanted to get as far away as they possibly could but Yoongi couldn't bring himself to look away from you for more than a second, furiously wiping his eyes as his vision became irritatingly blurry. Yoongi found himself wishing to go back in time and not cast the spell at all so that he could be content with the time he had with you, even if it wasn't much.

"Yoongi what's with all the-" Yoongi's close friend Namjoon snapped as he made his way into the cellar, stopping in his tracks upon seeing your body under Yoongi's, not moving a muscle. A forlorn look spread across his features as he looked over the scene, sighing at the ancient tome that was laid out not too far from where you and Yoongi were. It became very clear what Yoongi had done and he had never felt such pity and sympathy for someone before.

"I-I...S-She j-ju- T-This can't b-be happ-ening!" Yoongi cried, face scrunched up in pain as his heart tore itself apart from the inside out, tingling pains spreading throughout his entire body and causing it to feel numb. Namjoon nodded and walked closer to the you both, only for Yoongi to tense up and pull you closer to him, cradling your lifeless body close to his chest as if it would nurse you back to life. It wasn't healthy, the way Yoongi was clutching you so tightly when you looked so peaceful but Namjoon was powerless to do anything as Yoongi obviously wasn't stable.

"Yoongi, we need to get help okay? Shall we call for your parents? They'll know what to do. Hey, this isn't your fault okay? This was a freak accident, a spell gone wrong, and it can happen to absolutely anyone. Come on now, I've got you." Namjoon spoke soothingly as he cautiously got closer, ears ringing from how loud Yoongi's shrieks had become, his howls seeming to get even worse as his mind finally registered just what he had done and he couldn't handle it. His brain felt too full, as if he had just soaked up all of the knowledge he could and expanded the membrane of his poor mind. Looking up at Namjoon, a person he trusted, Yoongi whimpered and allowed him to slowly take your body from him.

"I'm sorry, I can't live without her." Yoongi suddenly rambled, fingers scrambling for his wand before he lifted it to his neck, yelling one of the 3 unforgivable curses before Namjoon could even do anything in attempt to stop him. Once Yoongi's body slumped over, Namjoon was then left with 2 dead bodies to explain instead of one. What was he going to do?

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