Believing his ex over you; K.SJ

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The rain crashed against the floor and bounced in opposite directions as you raced down the dark street, coat flying behind you in the wind whilst also attempting to pull you backwards with it but you powered on, desperate to get home. A single streetlamp lit up the path and set an eerie glow onto the rest of it but that didn't concern you, just wanting to get home into the warmth and the arms of your beloved, Kim Seokjin, who was waiting for you at home, probably already asleep. Just the thought of his strong arms wrapped around you in a sense of security made a burst of warmth spread across your body and fight against the cold, keeping you warm against the harsh wind that whipped at your cheeks and tinted them a bright red.

As soon as your home came into your vision, a happy smile spread across your face and you quickened your pace, no longer caring about anything else but entering through the front door. After the long day you'd had, being ordered around by your boss and coworkers as if you were their slave, there was nothing more that you wanted than to get home and vent your stress to Jin. Work hadn't been easy on you at all as your boss had made you stay behind for an extra hour to finish off some files he needed sorting out, even after everything, and had complained that you were too slow. Jerk. Even though that wasn't your area of expertise, you had taken the request with hopes that it would get you in the good books. It hadn't, much to your dismay.

"Jin?" You called breatheslly after launching yourself into the house, dropping your coat and awkwardly pulling off your wellies as you rushed up the stairs in order to get to the bedroom, heart beating quickly. As it was extremely late, almost midnight, you figured that Jin had been too tired to wait for you which you weren't too mad about as you understood how hard he worked on the daily. Though you told him multiple times not to wait up, Jin always would, claiming that he couldn't sleep without making sure you were okay which you thought was incredibly sweet. But he wasn't sleeping, he was sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, shoulders heaving up and down quickly as if he was breathing heavily.

Concerned, you slowly approached Jin and attempted to move his hands away from his face in which he moved away from your touch sharply as if it had burned him, moving to the other side of the bed so you couldn't reach him. Jin took his hands away from his face and glared at you forlornly, puffy and teary eyes making it clear that he had been crying, tears still spilling down his cheeks in slow intervals. You gasped at how depressed and anguished he looked and attempted once more to wrap your arms around his neck, not expecting him to push you away a second time and scoff at you.

"I hope you had fun with him Y/n, I really did, his hands all over your body where I once was but are no longer! How could you betray me like this, am I not enough for you? What does he have that I don't?" Jin yelled with tears spilling down his puffy cheeks, a vein standing prominently on his neck from how loudly he projected his voice at you. Stunned, you took a step back, a breath snagging in the back of your throat and restricting your oxygen in disbelief at his accusations. The confusion that you felt was so intense that your mind began to feel dazed, everything feeling like a dream and a cloud covering your thoughts.

"W-Who are you talking about, Jin? I've never betrayed you, who has been poisoning your thoughts like this Seokjin? Do you not trust me, is that it? If you properly knew me then you'd know I could never do something like that to you, nor do I even have the time. My mind is constantly on you, wether I want it to be or not doesn't matter. Tell me who had said this, now. Is that really how you think of me." You said sternly, pulling confidence out of thin air as you stood straight but begged him silently with your eyes. Jin's anger wavered slightly after seeing the intensity of your gaze, suddenly doubting what he had been told but still going on. The inkling of doubt was still lingering in the back of his mind but he tried his best to ignore it, forcing out a reply.

"J-Jisoo told me..." Jin began before he was cut off by you scoffing and covering your face with your hands so that he wouldn't see your face crumple in hurt. The beginnings of his eyebrows turned upwards in worry and suddenly his insecurities and doubts immediately melted away from his as fast as they had come as he now faced the reality of what his accusations had done to you. It now came to him that he shouldn't have trusted what Jisoo had told him but it was too late for any of that anymore, his words having made too much damage to you to ever be reversed.

"And you believed your ex over me, perfect, of course you did. Well if you don't trust me then the door is that way, I won't stop a man that can't find it in himself to trust that I could never break his trust. I deserve much better than that." You spat harshly, bottom lip wobbling in sadness as a few tears escaped from the corners of your eyes, a perfect picture of grief. Hesitantly, you turned away from Jin so that you wouldn't have to watch him walk away from you as you expected him to, waiting for the click of the door lock to tell you when he'd gone. Jin suddenly engulfed you in his embrace, taking you by surprise as he clung to you tightly, almost desperately. Whispered apologies and begs of forgiveness filled the silence as Jin sobbed, truly regretting his actions. There was a fear deep inside him that he'd ruined everything beyond repair but this fear was forgotten about once you returned his tight hug. A silent expression of undying love for each other showing that nothing could ever come between you, not even jealous exes.

"I'm sorry, so, so sorry." Jin whispered into your ears as he laid you on his chest after laying back, stroking your hair and wiping your tears away. Jin trusted you, how could he not, but a seedling of doubt had been placed into his brain and he'd stupidly allowed it to grow. You sighed and kissed his cheek, not fully forgiving him but knowing how he sometimes got with insecurities, due to past relationships that had ruined his trust. For the rest of the night you both basked in each other's embrace, just as you'd wanted to.

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