Avoiding you; P.JM

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Before you started talking to him in a way that friends don't, you would see him everywhere. In the halls, in the cafeteria, leant against the wall outside of school waiting for his friend and just anywhere that you looked.

But now that you had been talking to Jimin in a relationship type of way you didn't see him once, not even a glimpse of those dark eyes or that amazing smile. It was almost as if he was invisible to you, vanished without a trace of him ever being here like a ghost.

Or this meant that he was avoiding you which confused you as Jimin had assured you many times that he wasn't embarrassed by you or ashamed that he was going to be with you. Insecure was the only way to describe how you felt, maybe even hurt if you were being completely honest.

This was the first time that you had ever let a guy past the walls that you had gradually built up as you aged. Something inside of you had compelled you to trust him and let him in, controlling what you said and did. Nothing scared you more than being left behind which was why you needed a lot of reassurance.

One school morning you had to take a note to another class, something about asking another teacher for your reading assessment. You didn't want to do it but as the good student that you were you did it anyway.

You could see a group of guys standing around near the lockers, obviously planning to skip class which you found outrageous. No one ever had to skip class as the principal was extremely strict and dealt out harsh punishments.

You pulled your bag straps tighter too you as the all turned to look at you, not feeling comfortable under their piercing gazes. Then, they all began to move towards you but none of them paid attention to you as they laughed and joked with each other.

That was until you brushed shoulders with the Jimin, who was shocked and embarrassed to see you. He didn't want you to know the type of people he hung around with as he thought you would think different of him and not want to see him anymore.

He gave you an awkward smile and moved away from his friends and closer to you, ignoring the confused looks that were sent by his friends. The feeling that ran through his veins was euphoric and he ached for more but he quickly pulled himself away from you again

"sorry." He mumbled quickly while rushing down the hall and straight into the sport hall.

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