When you're losing your sight; M.YG

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"Her eyes will only get weaker from here Mr Min, I'm very sorry but there is nothing we can do. You could pay for an operation in attempt to save her eyes but the chance of success is only 30%." The doctor explained with a sad smile, offering Yoongi his hand and then to you.

At first you didn't see his hand as it was getting harder and harder for you to focus on things. Yoongi sighed forlornly and guided your hand to the doctors, hating to see you so fragile and vulnerable as you'd always been a strong person that was independent and loved doing her own thing. Those times seemed unreachable to you now but Yoongi knew that you'd be able to build yourself up again with a little help from him.

"She's going to need 24/7 care, we can assign-" Yoongi quickly cut the doctor off by shaking his head firmly and taking your hand into his, giving it a comforting squeeze that let you know that he was there for you. This made you blush and smile softly, falling for him even more if it was even possible. Small actions of affection like that always seemed to affect you in the wildest ways.

"That won't be necessary, I'm here to help her whenever she needs it. Thank you doctor, we'll be back in 2 weeks to let you know how things are going." Yoongi said before standing up and guiding you so that you were also on your feet, keeping your arm linked with his. The thought of you being alone scared him so he kept you close to him at all times so that nothing even remotely bad could happen to you. Yoongi just couldn't allow it.

"Thank you doctor." You mumbled sadly, grateful for his help but also sad. There had been hope that your eyes would get better and allow you to see the world like everyone else did because you had felt like your eyes were getting stronger. It was a painful kick in the gut, finding out that in a couple of months you would be completely blind without being able to get your sight back. There was no way that you were going to risk having the operation if the success rates weren't high, jeopardising the only sight you had left.

It just wasn't an option.

"Please don't cry baby girl, it's okay and you're okay. I'll always be here, no matter if you're blind or not. I fell in love with you for you and not because you can see." Yoongi said sternly but softly as he led you to the car, helping you get in and doing your seatbelt for you. This just made you cry harder, making you feel useless as you couldn't even do a simple task like fastening your seatbelt. You didn't want to be blind, left in darkness and alone. There was still so many things that you wanted to see and do but couldn't, all because the health of your eyes was declining.

"Why me Yoongi? I still have so many things that I want to see, I don't want this. How will I live without sight? Seeing colours and new things is what I love for and you know that. At some point i will forget what you look like, I'll never see our children and I won't be able to see them blossom. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me!" You sobbed, clinging to Yoongi as your heart broke even further after realising everything you were going to lose.

"Listen to me now Y/n. This is terrible I know, you don't deserve any of this. Your life is not over just because you've lost your sight. I'm going to be here with you every step of the way, guiding you and protecting you with my life because you are my life." Yoongi whispered reassuringly into your ear, your heartbroken cries breaking his fragile heart. Tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to let them fall, choosing to stay strong for you as he was all you had left.

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