As your boyfriends; M.YG + K.TH

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"I'm going to be late for work!" You whined, attempting to wiggle your way out from between your two boyfriends, Yoongi and Taehyung. The both of them didn't reply though small smirks spread across their handsome faces which you noticed almost instantly.

"Please, I need to go..." You sighed, losing determination as their body heats engulfed you in a warm blanket of comfort. Taehyung was the first to break out in giggles, his chest vibrating against your back. Pouting, you turned to face him but was shocked to see his dark eyes already trained on you.

"Were you saying something princess?" He teased, wide box grin plastered on his features. Yoongi then opened one of his eyes, peeping to see if your attention was on Taehyung. Once he realised that it was, Yoongi attached his lips to the base of your throat to create a hickey, nibbling the soft skin before kissing it.

The both of them couldn't help but chuckle when your cheeks turned red and a flustered squeak left your lips, fingers threading through Yoongi's dark locks. Wanting to get the reaction out of you himself, Taehyung leant down and did the same but this time on your sweet spot as he knew that this was your most sensitive area.

Seeing the opportunity and seizing it, you quickly burst out of their grip and rushed into the kitchen to start making yourself some breakfast. Even though you didn't want to leave them, you had a job to do. Taehyung whined but cuddled up to Yoongi, sighing in relief when the older wrapped his arms around him.

"I don't want her to go to work!" Taehyung pouted like a child, stuffing his face further into Yoongi's neck. Still half asleep, Yoongi just hummed in agreement while tangling his and the younger's legs together. Neither of them liked to be without you but understood that you wanted to work, not wanting to live off of them and make people think you were using them.

"I'm leaving now, come give me a kiss." You called from near the front door, giggling to yourself when two sets of speedy footsteps rushed your way before two bodies collided with your own. Yoongi connected his lips to your first, much to Taehyung's dismay who chose to just hug you and bask in your sweet scent.

"I still don't see why you choose to work baby, the money we bring home from being idols is more than enough to provide for three people but if this is what you want then we will support you." Yoongi mumbled against your mouth, his hand softly stroking Taehyung's hair who squeaks in response.

Gratefully, you smile before kissing each of their cheeks and walking out of the door. Your boyfriends both watched you leave and sighed before Yoongi wrapped his arms around Taehyung and took him back to bed so they could cuddle.

Later That Night
You sighed in exhaustion before throwing your coat and bags to the floor, not caring where they landed as you dragged your tired body into your bedroom. The soft breeze entering the dark room from the window made you slightly shiver though you welcomed it.

The sight of your boyfriends wrapped up in each others' embraces made a small smile spread across your lips. You quickly discarded your clothes and tapped Taehyung on the shoulder to wake him up as attempting to wake Yoongi was like trying to raise the dead.

"Baby girl? Is that you?" Taehyung mumbled tiredly whilst rubbing his eyes with his clenched fists, letting go of Yoongi so that there was space for you to crawl between them and be comfortable. You sighed in pleasure before melting into the covers, happily humming when Yoongi wrapped his arms around you unconsciously. Before you knew it, your eyes were slowly drifting closed as darkness consumed you.

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