Crash; J.HS

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It had all happened so fast for Hoseok, one minute he was behind the wheel, shouting at you for something that seemed so insignificant now to sitting in the middle of the road with you in his lap, blood pouring from the sides of your mouth while the car lay in pieces only a few yards away but Hoseok was much too preoccupied to care. Soft choking sounds came from your mouth as more and more blood began to seep out of you due to the internal bleeding caused by the crash, your breathing slowly becoming deeper and deeper. A slight tremble wracked through your body as only then did you feel just how cold the air around you was, stinging your skin and tainting your cheeks a slight red.

"Im so sorry Y/n, please forgive me, don't go, I'm sorry!" Hoseok begged hysterically while his hands clutched the edges of your jacket in tight, clenched fists, hoping that if he held onto you hard enough then it would save you from the inevitable but it was no use. Not being able to respond properly due to your condition and your airways slowly closing up, your hand softly squeezed his wrist as it had been wrapped around it as a sense of comfort, not caring about what was just around the corner for you, only concerned with how Hoseok was doing. It reassured him that you didn't blame or want him to blame himself for what happened, only wanting to spend your last moments peacefully with him.

The handsome features and bright smile that Hoseok usually portrayed were long gone, grief and panic twisting and contorting his expression into that of anguish and peril that made your heart contract weakly. Never before had Hoseok cried so hard in his entire life and if he was being honest with himself he never thought he'd stop crying, not did he want to. Even before you went, Hoseok knew we was going to be grieving over you for the rest of his days. It hadn't ever occurred to him that he'd lose you so soon, in such a way too. He'd taken the time he was given with you for granted and that would forever be his biggest regret, haunting him until he took his last breath.

"You can't die," Hoseok began quietly, tears dripping off of his cheeks and onto your skin," there's so much more we have to do! What about the family we've been planning and getting married? How will that be able to come true if you're not here huh? Just keep breathing darling, help is on its way, the ambulance is nearly here. God i'm so sorry Y/n, I don't even remember why we were arguing but I know it never mattered enough for this to happen. Come on, keep those eyes open for me love."

The reassuring tone to Hoseok's words was obviously an act so that you wouldn't panic but you could see right through him, just like you'd always been able to. You'd never really thought about death before but now that you were on its doorstep it felt right, as if it was meant to happen which was an eerie but comforting thought at the same time. Everyone dies sooner or later and there is no escaping that. Death is inevitable and you were just one of the unlucky ones that was taken too soon.

"I...l-l-lov-ve you." You rasped out, eyes slowly closing as your entire body went limp, the life leaving your body as you took your last breath. The unbearable pain in your entire body seemed to lift and left you feeling weightless, no problems or worries to deal with anymore. Slowly but surely, your heart began to slow down and your breaths coming out in deeper withdrawals, inhaling the last gulps it oxygen that you'd have. Then everything stopped. Hoseok screamed in sorrow and clutched your lifeless body close to his chest, hoping and praying that by some miracle that you'd miraculously come back to life. There had never been a case so severe in which he'd felt truly alone, like everything didn't matter and he didn't have anybody. Without you, nothing made sense to him and he couldn't care about anything but you.

The sirens in the distance didn't even bother Hoseok as his hand ran through the ends of your hair, not even flinching when the flashing lights hit him square in the eyes. The authorities attempted to take your body from Hoseok so that they could put you into a body bag but Hoseok wasn't having any of it, firmly stating that you weren't dead and that there was something they could do to save you. He was in denial, not able to believe that he was going to have to go about his days without you by his side. The man's poor brain just couldn't accept that the most important thing in his life was gone, cruelly ripped away from him and not reachable.

"Are you okay sir?" One paramedic asked Hoseok after they'd managed to wrench you away from Hoseok's clutches and take you to the hospital, even though there was nothing they could do with you there. A short, cold scoff left Hoseok's mouth as he stared up at the sky, looking for the brightest star possible as he believe that it would be you looking down on him.

"No, not just one person died in the accident, two did. Because when Y/n died, I died along with her." Hoseok spat while clenching his fists, not knowing what he'd done in his past life to deserve such an awful and heartbreaking fate. Life's just unpredictable and unfair sometimes.

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