Love yourself; M.YG

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(A.N ~ This was part of a collab so theres no part one!)

Interviews had always been a fear of yours which is why you'd always tried to avoid them at all costs, coming up with countless excuses: My mother wants to see me, I'm not feeling too good, I'm too tired. Yoongi was all to aware of this but it was out of his hands this time as all the members were required to bring their partners into the interview with them. At first, Yoongi had slowly introduced the idea to you and you shut him down, seeing as this was before you began your journey in finding the way to love yourself.

The progress you'd made in actually coming to terms with who you were and looked like was incredible and many people had commented on how much happier and carefree you seemed to be. This only boosted your spirit in the long run, just enough for you to start going out in public without fearing communication or interaction. Insecurity had acted like chains, restricting you from being the best person you could be but Yoongi had helped you to slip from their clutches.

Not once did Yoongi leave you side, no matter if you'd had a bad day and wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and cuddle. Happiness was all he'd ever wanted for you and now that you were brushing fingertips over it, Yoongi was the proudest he had ever been. For he knew how hard it was to pull yourself out of the dark corner of your own mind, when everything felt hopeless and you couldn't find the light: Yoongi was your light.

"We'll be on air in 5 minutes okay Y/n? Just try not to panic or anything like that, it's okay to be scared, he'll, i've been doing this for years and i still get scared! I'll be right by your side, nothing will happen ok?" Yoongi reassured you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead as you nodded in reply. The beating of your heart was irregular and fast but you liked the feeling, the adrenaline pumping through your veins and making you feel good about yourself. Seeing as you already knew what type of questions you would be asked throughout, you'd prepared a little speech and memorised it perfectly.

Sooner than Yoongi would've liked, the right light on the wall began to blink which automatically alerted everyone that they needed to be on stage. You hadn't really had chance to greet the other members' girlfriends as you'd arrived late so you briefly waved and sent them all a comforting smile before walking hand in hand with Yoongi to sit right in the middle of the stage.

To your surprise, the crowd wasn't as big as you had expected it to be. Every now and then they'd make a little bit of noise but most of it was done by a recording machine that made it seem like lots of people were there when that wasn't the case. It all seemed a little fake and staged in your opinion but you kept your mouth shut, lacing your fingers through Yoongi's and putting on your best genuine smile that you could muster. It was quite shocking for you to find that Yoongi's palms were cold and clammy, slightly sweaty due to him being nervous.

"Good afternoon all, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have the cast of worldwide famous boy band, BTS, and their amazing partners! So for this interview today I only have a few questions and i'll go down the line and ask each one of you the same question ok?" The presenter asked as he produced a stack of queue cards from the desk his sat behind, humming happily once everyone nodded politely. It was then that you noticed that you were sat right at the end, first to answer the question which made you feel a small weight of anxiety settle on to your stomach.

"What does it mean to love yourself Y/n? We all understand that it's critical to accept yourself but why, what are your views on it?" The presenter asked before offering you a small smile, gesturing for you to begin answering the question that he had just asked you. After taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you began to speak while squeezing Yoongi's hand.

"Loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do in my opinion for there's always going to be something on your body that you don't particularly like. Loving yourself means accepting who you are and the body you've grown with because in the end you can't change it, no matter how hard you try. Trust me, you'll never be happy if you try and change yourself. I think it's really important to love who you are because this feeling creates happiness and I don't think there's anything more valuable than that. For in the end, you're going to have to live with yourself forever and to be able to look in the mirror and love what you see is the amazing. In no way am I saying that it is easy to love yourself, I'm trying to point out that the journey may be filled with bumps and sharp turns but at the end of the road the reward is truly priceless."

Everyone in the room was silent, the presenter's jaw nearly hanging open so far that it touched the floor, his eyes the size of saucers. Yoongi's smile was the brightest and widest it had ever been, showing just how proud he really was of you and how he adored you. Softly, he brought your intertwined hands up to his lips and kissed the back of your hand. The journey truly had been tough but what you said was true: the reward was so great that nobody could put a price on it.

Dear readers,

The journey of loving yourself is a long and tiring one, one that may seem unnecessary but it's far more important than you know. It takes different amounts of time from everyone to find the path to love yourself and that's the beauty of it, the progress really being worth it in the end. If you're struggling to find a path to love yourself then don't be scared, reach out to someone and express your feelings, it really can help. Society's views on beauty are irrational and impossible so make your own! Be yourself and don't try to change who you are because in the end you're the one that has to live with yourself so get comfortable! Everyone is beautiful in their own way, you are beautiful.

"Please use me. Please use BTS to love yourself. Because you guys taught me how to love myself. Every day." - Kim Namjoon

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