When he chooses another girl over you; J.HS

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All the plans that the two of you made seemed to be forgotten at the very last minute, lame excuses being used as a bandaid over the emotional wound that this left on you. Other girls soon took up Hoseok's time but you knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't break your trust.

This didn't make it hurt any less.

You felt like Hoseok prioritised other women before you, always putting them first and you after. Some days you didn't even hear from Hoseok as he was too invested in his friends that it completely left his mind to talk to you. This sparked insecurity in you because you felt that you weren't good enough for such an amazing guy like him.

"So, is the date still on for tomorrow or are you busy. I'd rather you tell me now so I don't waste my time getting ready for nothing." You said monotonously over the phone to Hoseok while biting your lip softly out of nervousness. Never before had you spoken so coldly to him before and you hoped that it would make him pay attention to you.

"Totally, the dates still on. Can't wait." Hoseok replied as if it was auto reply, not putting much thought into his reply which made your face fall. It was so tiring to act like everything was okay when it wasn't but there was nothing you could do to change things. There was no point causing an argument because Hoseok always managed to turn it around on you, causing you to have to apologise.

"Yeah, we'll see." You sighed forlornly before ending the call without saying goodnight and wrapping yourself up in the warm embrace of your bed sheets. The thought of the next day made you feel nauseous, knowing that you were going to have your heart broken.

The Next Day
After spending around 2 hours doing your makeup and choosing the perfect outfit that you believed would blow Hoseok off of his feet, you stepped out into the chilly spring air and made your way to the cafe in which the two of you would have a coffee date. It wasn't as sophisticated as you'd have liked it to be but it couldn't be helped now, it was too late.

15 minutes of waiting turned into 30 minutes and from then to an hour with no sign of Hoseok, just you sitting on your own right at the back while watching customers come and go. It was obvious that he had stood you up yet again but you didn't want to believe it, hoping and praying that he would prove you wrong and come to spend time with you.

Suddenly, your phone vibrates once in your pocket which meant that you had received a text message. While your heart dropped to your feet in disappointment as you already knew what the text would say, you pulled out your phone and opened it up while trying your hardest not to cry in front of everyone at the cafe.

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