BTS As Your Brother; Maknae Line

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(This part was written by @mochiimagine on insta so go check out her page!)

BTS as your brother; Jungkook

-Tries his hardest to impress you and the family
-Whenever You're over with the other members he always jokes around with who your bias is, and after, he winks at you
-when he's back home he's usually eating or playing video games
-but he secretly wants to hang out with you
-hates it how the other members always talk about you and think about you
-a very overprotective brother
-anytime you or him leave he always says I love you
-and makes you play video games with him.

BTS as your brother; Taehyung

-always the sweetest
-buys you way to many things
-gets annoyed when the other members talk about you and call you pretty since you are his sister.
-whenever they are at shows or interviews he says hi to the camera hoping you're watching
-tries video calls every night
-knows which member you have as your bias
-asks you if when he's over if he can dye your hair
"Pleaseeeee, you'd be so adorable with purple hair! and you know who might ask you out"

BTS as your brother; Jimin

-Gives awesome hugs
-always says I love you
-can't stand being away from you and the family
-talks about you to the members to much.
-doesn't understand why the other members always admire your everything...
-always buys you a thing or two from the places he has been
-is an angel around your parents but a bully to you at times
"they always call you they know we're twins?"

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