Tell my why im waiting; J.JK

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Confidence followed him wherever he went, an aura of sophistication and importance sticking to him like glue. He held his nose high in the air to cover the fact that he was just like everyone else, an ordinary student but with exceptionally good looks and wealth.

Everyone adored him, all the girls wanted to be with him and all the guys wanted to he him. It was a repeating cycle but he never paid attention to anyone, always keeping to himself and staying single. Funnily enough, the most popular guy in school didn't really have any friends.

You had observed Jungkook from a distance ever since you met him, in awe at his natural beauty. Something about those dark eyes just drew you in, no matter how much you wanted to get away from him. You knew that in the end you would get hurt but it didn't stop the little blossom of hope grow in your chest whenever he looked at you.

The first day back after the summer break was the day you experienced true heart break. Jungkook and a girl you had never seen before, holding hands while walking down the halls. It was the first time that you had seen Jungkook with any other expression except from coldness. You despised the fluttering in your stomach when he giggled at something she had said to him.

Apparently, Jungkook had met a girl in the summer and went on to date. It was so sudden and you hadn't expected it but you couldn't hold it against him as he looked truly happy. You sighed sadly and shook your head before looking down at your shoes as he walked in front of you so that he wouldn't see your face.

Selfishly, you hoped that their relationship would end shortly. You told yourself that if they broke up within a month then you would confess to Jungkook and tell him how you feel.

But they didn't break up, they stayed together for a good 6 months. You had to sit and watch while the guy you loved, loved another woman right in front of you and it broke you.

Wild parties every night, low level crime and skipping school. This is what love had done to you. It ripped away everything good that you had until you were nothing and you hated it. The emptiness in your chest burned you and you tried anything to fill it but nothing worked.

One day while you should've been in school, you went to the forest and sat near the waterfall to just take in the natural beauty. Flows of tears spilled out of your eyes as you got everything off of your chest, hoping that it would make you feel better somehow.

"Tell me why im waiting for someone that doesn't give a fuck about me." You whispered desperately hoping that someone would reply and help you but no one did, leaving you alone and heartbroken.

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