Divination; K.NJ

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Being the hardheaded Gryffindor he was, Namjoon had always despised divination, the one subject that was able to grind down on his very last nerve. Even the teacher seemed to annoy him though he had the upmost respect for her, always valuing his morals over anything else. There was just something about the trickery and unstableness of the art that was divination that didn't mix right with Namjoon's personality.

Or maybe it was because he wasn't very good at it.

"Look deep into the cup Namjoon, I want you to find Hoseok's fate in those tea leaves!" Professor Lander had called sensually from her throne of blankets and cushions at the front of the class, sipping her tea and tilting it so that the rim hit the glass panes of her thick glasses. Namjoon couldn't help but scoff at her words, causing Hoseok to have a similar reaction but not aimed at the professor herself.

"What do you want me to do? Stick my head in there? There's literally nothing here and anyone who says otherwise really needs to have their vision corrected." Namjoon retorted, aimlessly placing the mug on the table in front of him as he looked around the room curiously. The professor sighed in disappointment at the Gryffindors attitude, knowing that he could achieve so much if only he wasn't so close-minded. In his first lesson of the class he had excelled but hadn't enjoyed the subject much when it came to things that he didn't exactly agree with.

"Won't you at least try Joonie? I know you don't like it but I'm sure that if you opened your mind or even made it up you'd feel a lot better and get old Lander off of your back." Hoseok said sweetly, gently touching the china of the mug he had held in his hands as if it were as delicate as a feather. Unable to resist Hoseok's pleading look for Namjoon to listen, he picked up the mug and held it closer to his face, nose crinkling at the pungent smell of stale tea.

As if his eyes had only just fully opened, Namjoon suddenly began to see a picture form right in front of his eyes. It was a symbol of an eclipse, which Namjoon had previously learned, telling him that Hoseok was going to go through a hard time of some sort in the future. But if he tilted the cup another way he saw what seemed to be a rose, the petals slowly falling off of the dainty flower which he knew meant that something in Hoseok's life was coming to an end.

"So? What did I get? Please tell me there's something about a romantic conquest coming to sweep me off my feet. Oh! Or maybe a heartbreaking event that will truly make me rethink everything i've ever know . How exciting this is, please tell me!" Hoseok had exclaimed excitedly, clutching the mug a little too hard for the material to take. Namjoon didn't want to be the one who had to be the bearer of bad news but knew that he had to, it was the right thing to do.

"I-It shows a solar eclipse, the symbol of hard times or sorrow. It's not very clear but it's definitely there, okay? If I tilt it a little to the left it shows a wilting rose, the symbol of something beautiful coming to an end. God I hate this, why is everything so morbid and sad?" Namjoon cursed to himself, not looking Hoseok in the eye. Professor Lander watched the scene unfold with a fond expression on her slightly wrinkled face. It was heartwarming to see people expressing their feelings through her art, the beauty in what she had lived for.

"Don't worry about it Namjoon, I'm not upset that my leaves aren't exactly showing blue skies and rainbows. Everyone has to go through tough times and that's totally okay. Thanks for being honest though, I appreciate." Hoseok beamed, cheeks slightly blushing in the apples. Just after that, Professor Lander stood up from her swamp of blankets and clapped her hands together as to gain everybody's attention. Once all eyes were on her, she began to speak.

"Thank you for working so hard today everyone, it's truly been a pleasure to watch! I'm excited to start studying crystal balls with you very soon. To get a head start, I'd like a parchment-sized essay all about the history of crystal balls. That will be all." She dismissed, flicking her wrist upwards with her wand pinched between her fingertips as to open the door of the astronomy tower which would allow the students to leave.

Telling Hoseok to go ahead and that he would be there soon, Namjoon stayed behind to have a talk with professor Lander. He felt that he had been out of order in regards to his attitude towards her and the subject itself, having been way too harsh. The professor had already known that Namjoon would stay to talk, a small smile playing on her face as she looked at the boy expectedly.

"I-uh I'm sorry about the way i've been acting towards you Professor Lander. Will you forgive my ill manners?" Namjoon stuttered awkwardly, never having been the type of person to apologise unless he found it absolutely necessary. The old professor just waved the apology off, telling the boy that he had nothing to apologise for.

"If I didn't have at least one student that despised my art then I would be very worried. This isn't for everyone Namjoon and you don't have to apologise for not liking something. Be on your way now, you may be late to Transfiguration." She said, ushering him out of her tower so that she could watch the stars and make some more readings. Maybe divination wasn't as bad as Namjoon had made it out to be

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