Tutor; K.NJ

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You sighed heavily as you slammed your books onto the desk next to Namjoon, startling him a little as he was deep in concentration. A cute and confused expression made its way on to Namjoon's face as he readjusted his glasses and peered up at you, smiling softly.

His studies were everything to him and he wanted to pass down knowledge to people that needed it: you. Even though you made him nervous, he was willing to look past it so that you could pass this class. Namjoon's mother had always made it clear to him that helping other people would make him a better person.

Namjoon looked up at you and blinked in confusion as he saw your bottom lip stick out in an annoyed pout. He raised his eyebrow at you, silently asking what was wrong as he wanted to know. You folded your arms over your chest and let out a large puff of annoyance, still sticking your bottom lip out.

"There were none of my favourite chips in the vending machine!" You exclaimed like a child while huffing and puffing, beginning to get even more annoyed by the second.

Those chips, the ones you loved so much. There hadn't been a day since you started in freshman year that you hadn't studied with a bag of those chips. It was as if they helped you concentrate in a weird way and now that you couldn't have any you felt agitated. Maybe you were addicted to them, who knows?

Namjoon laughed loudly and shook his head as you couldn't help but laugh at how silly it was. He knew how much you loved those chips and it mattered to him as it fuelled your passion to learn, making his job a lot easier. He put his hand forward, gesturing for you to open your book and begin to work.

Namjoon was fair but firm, always letting you have a break if you needed it but getting straight back into focus when he was explaining things to you. He had a thirst of doing things properly and believed that if he was soft with you then you would take him seriously.

You rolled your eyes moodily but obliged, still being thankful that Namjoon was taking the time out of his day to reach you. Not just anyone would do this for you and you felt blessed to have such a good friend as Namjoon.

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