Player; K.TH

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You'd known not to trust him but you had anyways. The notorious player, Kim Taehyung, has taken an interest in you only a couple weeks prior but things had already took a dramatic turn for the worst.

"You lied to me." You said as he sat with your back facing him, looking out over Han river. There was no sadness or anger hidden in your voice as you took a deep breath through your nose as to calm your frayed nerves.Taehyung  had to stop himself from rolling his eyes before sitting down next to you.

"I didn't, I told you that I'd try for you but it was harder than I thought. I'm bored of this relationship." Taehyung stated while looking at your side profile to see if your expression changed even the slightest. This was what players craved, a reaction from the girls they had broken and played with. It's what gave them the confidence and ego to do what they do.

"You told me you had feelings for me, why not just tell me the truth from the start? Coward." You chuckled humourlessly, still not turning to look at him as he wanted you to. There was a thirst to see you cry for him deep inside of Taehyung, constantly making him think of ways to hurt your feelings and tear you down.

"Feelings? I don't even know what those are." Taehyung scoffed while brushing his hair backwards so that it was out of his eyes, eyeing you as he did. This caused something in you to snap as you stood up, brushing off your knees once you were steady on your feet.

"That's what your problem is Kim Taehyung. You're so focused on being a player that you don't even see the bigger picture or how this is going to affect you in the long run. No girl will be able to trust you, nor will they want to. I hope that you look back on these times and cry for the hearts that you've broken and the lives you've affected. Goodbye, I hope to never see you again after this." You spat at him before walking away from him.

Taehyung sat there on the bank of the river and looked down at his reflection for well over an hour, scrutinising himself and his actions for he knew that what you said had been true. But he couldn't let you know that you were right.

He continued to play with girls and break their hurts for years after what happened between the two of you though your words haunted him wherever he went. After everything he had done to girls, Taehyung was left along without anybody to care for him as he'd played with them too much to the point where they gave up.

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