"Did you hit it?"; K.NJ

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They all squashed together on a table in McDonald's, laughing and joking loudly as they waited for their meals. It was an average guy hang out, talking about the hottest girls and who they were planning to get with next.

The usual.

Namjoon laughed with them but his mind wasn't in it, only thinking of what you two did last night. Thoughts of your body against his were driving him insane but he just couldn't stop thinking about you. Your body was a drug and he was heavily addicted to it.

"So, word on the street is that you and Y/n have been getting it." His friend piped up once everyone had gone quiet, drawing all of the attention to Namjoon who glared at his friend. Namjoon had only told one person which meant that his trust had been misplaced and betrayed.

Namjoon shrugged softly and focused on the McDonald's straw that he had continuously piercing through his cup for the past 10 minutes. He didn't want to talk about it as he felt that it was a personal topic that should be kept on the low, something most guys didn't understand.

He didn't think it was that serious that everyone knew about it but he was obviously wrong as all his friends began to fire questions at him, left right and centre. Namjoon hadn't expected this and tried to avoid as many questions as he could.

You had only met 3 weeks ago but had hit it off straight away, instantly connecting in a way that most people never did. It had been a euphoric feeling for the both of you, finding someone that you cared for so much and having them return the feelings was a blessing.

"Did you hit it Namjoon? Come on, we won't tell nobody." Another friend said as he leaned over the table, grinning mischievously while winking. Namjoon smirked a little and looked away, confirming the rumours in a polite but vulgar way as it made it seem like he wanted you only for pleasure which wasn't the case.

All of his friends began to cheer and slap him on the back as they yelled again and again that he was a legend for bagging you so quickly. No one had ever managed to even get a date with you before so it was quite a mystery to people as to why you chose Namjoon.

Namjoon didn't know if he had done the right thing or not but he had tried to do right by you, sitting quietly and wistfully staring at the clock as if it would make it speed up to the time when he would see you again.

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