When you have a panic attack; K.TH

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The walls felt as if they were closing in on you, making it increasingly harder to breath. Shallow breaths was all that your lungs allowed you to take as your mind filled with poisonous, self destructive thoughts. All because of hate comments on your recent post.

'She's so fat, why would Taehyung oppa want to date her?' 'Taehyung could do so much better' 'She doesn't deserve to date someone like Taehyung' were just a small minority of the awful, venomous things that people were saying about you. All because you were dating an idol, a popular one at that.

You began to hyperventilate, tears streaming down your face as your body shook and twitched violently. Everything was running through your mind as you desperately tried to grab something in order to calm down but it was no use.

"Baby I'm home!" Taehyung yelped happily as soon as he walked through the door, completely unaware of the situation that was happening upstairs. With a smile on his face and a bunch of roses in his hand, he quickly jogged upstairs and went into your shared room so that he could surprise you. Though he was the one that was surprised.

As soon as he opened the door to your room panic filled his body as he saw you pressed into the corner, makeup running down your face and barely breathing. As fast as he could, Taehyung rushes over to you and scooped you up into his arms while whispering soothing words into your ear.

"I've got you baby, I'm here you're safe. I love you, everything's okay just breathe. Come on Angel, calm down you're okay." Taehyung had experienced you having panic attacks before so he knew exactly what to do, kissing the top of your head with worry lacing his eyes.

You felt safe in Taehyung's arms and clung to him, trying your hardest to take deep breaths and calm down. It was hard but soon you were breathing normally and you weren't shaking as much, just crying softly into Taehyung's chest.

"What happened Y/n?" Taehyung asked softly while lifting your face up so that he could make eye contact with you. Your bottom lip wobbled and your eyes were full of sadness, scaring Taehyung as he didn't know what was going on with you.

Slowly, you reached over and grabbed your phone off of the floor so that you could show Taehyung what was wrong. Your gaze only matched the floor in shame, hating that you had let the mean words get to you. Taehyung was furious at the disgusting comments, not expecting his beloved fans to be so cruel.

"This is out of order Y/n i'm so sorry. You're nothing that these people are saying you are, believe me. You're perfect and I ask myself everyday why you chose me out of all people to love. I love you so much, you're the one for me." Taehyung stressed as he kissed your forehead affectionately, causing a soft smile to spread across your face.

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