Cheating Husband; K.SJ

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You wept as silently as you could whilst putting Seokjin's phone back on to the kitchen table with enough force to break it, already regretting reading all of those messages between him and his lover that he'd been seeing behind your back. Something hadn't been quite right with Seokjin for a while but you never suspected him to be making love to another woman whilst still with you. Things that had been promised to you by him, the love, the passion and the loyalty, had been so carelessly offered to another woman that wasn't you, leaving your heart in pieces and your mind in a heap of mess.

No type physical pain you'd ever or would ever experience could amount to how much you were hurting inside, the pain literally tearing you apart. Your skin felt as if it were on fire and your eyes were aching from how hard you had cried over the man you loved, the one person who you had thought would never hurt you. Promises are made to be broken. Books had been written about these feelings you were enduring but never did it explain how raw and soul crushing this experience was, making everything seem like it would be okay but it didn't feel anything like that kn reality. The movies and books you'd once cried over felt like child's play compared to this.

Anger was the first emotion you'd felt, rage spreading across your limbs, not being able to rationally think about the situation. White hot heat spread across your  face as your cheeks turned red in anger, fists clenched so tightly that it began to hurt your bones. That was until you realised that Jin had betrayed you, chose another woman over you. Tears gathered in your eyes and at first you attempted to stop them from falling but then you gave up, letting them stream down your face and drip into your chest. Nothing seemed to make sense but you didn't try, you'd truly given up hope.

Naively, you had been completely oblivious to what had been going on, assuming that he was stressed about a big project that was due at work, not that he was seeing someone else behind your back. All the times he'd miraculously cancel dates and come home late all seemed to slot together and you knew the affair had been going on for a very long time. It never came to mind that he could be cheating until the evidence was left in plain sight, almost as if it were left for you to find like god's cruel way of not wanting the truth to be hidden. Because that was the facts, the truth will always come out one way or another. There is no way to hide it.

Once Jin emerged from the bathroom followed by a large cloud of steam, you turned your head quickly so that he wouldn't notice your tears because you didn't want to look at the man that had been betraying you and give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. This was what he wanted all along, to break you down until you were nothing, belittling you until you completely relied on him for everything. If you were being completely honest, you couldn't even remember the last time that Jin had looked at you properly with any type of interest, nor asked you what was wrong as you'd been going through dark times recently. Crying yourself to sleep had become the norm for you.

Once dressed, Jin sat across from you on the sofa with a towel around his neck and frowned questioningly as he caught sight of the tears that drenched your cheeks, not being able to ignore them like he usually would due to how broken you looked. Even if he had been cheating, that didn't necessarily mean that he didn't care about you because he did. No matter how many women he slept with, Jin couldn't escape the feelings that you still made him feel. You sighed forlornly and pushed his phone towards him, not speaking a word as you didn't trust your voice not to crack. Every cell in your body was screaming for you to get up and leave him without even giving him the chance to explain himself but you didn't, you sat and patiently waited in hopes that it was all a joke.

Having already known what had happened before he even looked at the screen, Jin's face fell before he wiped his hand over his face, groaning in regret. No amount of words could explain how sorry he was and he didn't even try, simply keeping his eyes closed as he physically couldn't make himself look at you for he knew that he had truly broken you. Guiltily, Jin slowly opened his eyes and looked up at you cautiously, sincerely sorry that you had to find out in such a way. For months he had been sneaking around with his new lover, dragging out your relationship because he didn't have the heart to tell you that he'd found someone else.

"I'm so sorry, I-I'll pack my things and leave. You never deserved any of this Y/n, you deserved so much better than me." Jin said while slowly standing up, not liking how your face crumpled while sobs exploded from your mouth after holding them in for so long. The fact that he couldn't even explain his actions is what made you so sad, leading you to believe that it was all your fault that Jin hadn't been satisfied. You didn't want him to leave but you knew that he had to as he had broken your trust, and you along with it.

"I'm sorry." Was all that Jin said before kissing your forehead and walking out of the door, taking everything that he owned with him. The house now felt empty and cold, no life to it as Jin had been the one to fill it with everything that you loved. Him.

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