A magical birthday; J.HS

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"Everything must be perfect! Are you nearly finished with those balloons Tae? Is the food almost done Yoongi? Where the hell is Namjoon with the music?" You screeched as you dashed through the hall in which you were holding Hoseok's birthday in, frantically checking the checklist that you'd written in hopes that the boxes wold automatically tick themselves off. Even with the help of Hoseok's friends and they're extremely useful wands, it seemed to you as if no progress was being made and you were running out of time.

To celebrate your loves' 26th birthday you had decided to throw a surprise party and invite all of his friends, just so that you could see a smile light up on his face when all was revealed. That mental image you had created was all that was keeping you from breaking down into tears and giving up, not wanting to let him down when he had done so much for you. It was Hoseok's turn to be happy.

"Will you stop stressing about every minor detail? I get that this is a special day and you want to make it amazing but there is really no need to stress. Just look how much we've done so far instead of focusing on everything we haven't gotten chance to do just yet. Come on, help me put this banner up, it's a two-wand job." Jungkook cheerfully said into your ear whilst sneakily snatching the clipboard out of your hands and allowing it to float with a tiny spell that would automatically tick off completed tasks. Grateful for the gesture, you took a deep breath and nodded before giggling slightly and allowing him to pull you over to where the banner had been left.

For hours you had sat at your kitchen table, a long trail of paper before you and multiple pots of paint the colours of the rainbow as Hoseok always loved bright colours. It had been torture to sit in the same place whilst hunched over, tongue out in utter concentration in order to finish it in time as you insisted that you do it with your own two hands, just so that it seemed more personal. Though you'd have probably finished it in half of the time and without the chronic back pain, you found that it wold have more meaning behind it.

After putting up the banner and returning to the clipboard and quill that were still suspended in mid air, you were ecstatic to see that the party was beginning to pull itself together, only two or three jobs that needed to be done. It was a relief to see your hard work paying off and the image of Hoseok's pure happiness was beginning to look increasingly realistic. Balloons were strung along the walls and placed in pretty  bunches on tables thanks to Taehyung, multi-coloured lights blasted through the hall in time to some of Hoseok's favourite song thanks to both you and Namjoon as you had provided a stocky list of his most played songs whilst Namjoon brought the speakers and Jin was the one luring Hoseok to the hall once it was time which it wasn't long till.

"Everybody be absolutely silent and turn those darn lights off!" I hissed excitedly one I got the signal that Hoseok was nearly there from Jin, flicking my wand so that the lights shut off and the door that had previously been locked was unlocked so that Jin and Hoseok could enter. Then the hall was thrown into complete darkness and it was so silent that a pin drop could've been heard if dropped at the other end of the hall. I had positioned myself right in the middle of the room in front of everybody else so that I would be the first person to see the look on his face.

Suddenly, voices cold be heard from the other side of the door, sounding as if Hoseok was questioning Jin on why they were there. Holding my breath as if he'd be able to hear them, I could feel the excitement bubbling up in my chest. Hoseok was the first to enter, eyebrows endearingly drawn in at the centre in confusion until he laid his eyes on me, surprise instantly flooding into his pupils. Immediately, I tapped my wand as I had done only minutes prior and turned the lights back on, exposing all of his friends and the party we had all worked together to create.

"SURPRISE!" We all simultaneously yelled, everything laughing at the look of wonder on Hoseok's face except from me. It was as if I was in a trance completely under whatever spell he had put on me and unable to look away, not that I would have even if I could have. The entire galaxy was in those eyes, those eyes that I had undeniably and devastatingly fallen in love with, as he tried to take in everything all at once. Like a child seeing a candy stall for the first time, his mouth was wide open in awe, tiny gasps leaving his mouth at every new thing that he saw. Then his eyes landed on me and the most breath-taking smile I had ever seen spread across his face as he rushed over to me, seeming to have realised that I was the one who had arranged everything.

"You did this, for me? D-Did you actually put all of this effort in just for my birthday? You amazing woman, whatever did I do to deserve someone as caring and thoughtful as you!" Hoseok exclaimed loudly into my ear over the music that had began to play. That was all that I had wanted to gain from it, his happiness I mean. The childish grin on Hoseok's face was better than any prize that could ever be won or any gift I would ever receive for I knew just how much it meant to him.

"I love you, this is for you and I want you to enjoy it!" Was all I chose to reply with, grabbing his hand and leading him into the middle of the dance floor where everyone was. For the rest of the night we talked, kissed and danced the time away as if there was nothing that could've stopped us. To say my goal was to make Hoseok happy and turn his birthday into one to remember, I believe that I definitely succeeded.

Imagines; BTS Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon