The final days; K.SJ

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It was coming to the end of the year, just as winter had swept through the castle and brought snow to the dreary brick bridges. Everyone seemed to be jolly, enjoying the time that they had been given to take in the wonders that were Hogwarts castle but others had just grown bored of doing the same thing year after year, Kim Seokjin being one of them.

He was in his final year, drawing close to the end of his time at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Many years had been spent in the castle, waving his wand in every direction whenever he needed to and chanting incantations that he saw as futile. Though frightened to leave the school and begin his life, Seokjin couldn't wait to finally be able to do as he pleased without teachers telling him what he could and couldn't do. The boy wanted to be an augur when he was older, yearning to fight the dark wizards that still plagued the wizarding world, even though Voldemort had been defeated many years before then.

Loud, empty steps could be heard from halls away as Seokjin slowly made his way through them for what felt like the last time. The Christmas break would only last for 3 weeks but Seokjin knew that it would feel like an eternity whilst he was at home, listening to his mother drone on and on about how the ministers were facing dire terror with some stupid cauldron mishaps. It was the same story every year, Jin yearned for some excitement! Most of all though, Jin was going to miss the friends he had made throughout his stay at Hogwarts.

There was Namjoon, a younger boy that was in his house but had ought to have been placed in Ravenclaw due to how smart and quick-witted he was, just like Jungkook. Jungkook was Jin's youngest friend and the only person he really spoke to that was a good 4 years younger than him (Jin was actually a lot older than most of the people in his year, due to the fact that as a child his mother had tried to keep him locked away from the wizard world. He only joined Hogwarts when he was 15, when he should have been in 4th year.) There was also Jimin and Taehyung, the two loveliest people you'd meet but they were also polar opposites. There wasn't really anyone else except from a hufflepuff called Hoseok and a Slytherin called Yoongi.

But then there was you, how could he ever forget you? Being 2 years younger than him and a Slytherin at that, he'd never met anyone that made him feel the way that you did. It was indescribable, not of this world and it had crushed Seokjin when you told him that your parents were pulling you out of the school so that you could attend muggle school.

Many students had ridiculed you the moment they learned of your lineage, the term 'mudblood' coming
up so often that it almost became a nickname. You were mocked and treated awfully and when your parents found out they were mortified, instantly writing to tell you that when Christmas break came, you would go home and stay there, out of the way of all of the wizards that made your life hell. 'Mudblood' is a derogatory term for a wizard or witch that was born of human parents. It's a rare occurrence that pure bloods such as Jin, but not him, looked down upon, not believe that they deserved to posses magical powers at all.

Before he knew it, Seokjin had made his way up to the owlery, the place where he had first met you and spent most of your time together. It was a peaceful place except for the rare squawk of the owls fighting over where they would stand on the dens, wings flapping against each other in quarrels that only lasted two seconds. It was also the place in which you  told him that you were going to be leaving prematurely. Jin could still remember the look on your face, expressions completely drained of any energy or excitement that they usually possessed.

"Y-You're the only person who has been genuinely kind to me Jin, and not just because your pity me either. The only person who has made me feel welcome here is you and I will be forever grateful. I'm only telling you this because I believe that you deserve to know," You'd confesses, hair covering your face as you looked at the hay covered floors and fumbled with your fingers. Jin had been concerned, very concerned with the way you were acting but didn't say anything, simply waiting until you were ready to explain whatever was going on.

"I-I'm leaving. My parents believe that I would be much better off in a muggle school rather than here." You'd whispered, just loud enough for Jin to hear it. It was like no other feeling he had felt before, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes as he looked at you in disbelief. Unable to form a coherent sentence, Jin lunged forward and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, almost as if he were trying to keep you together both physically and mentally.

"But you're a witch, Y/n. They can't expect you to just abandon that part of you, it's inhumane!" Jin had argued, not meaning to yell at you but not knowing what else to say. The look in your eyes told him that this was painful for you too, causing the anger he had manifested to quickly dissolve into sadness, a sadness that made all the other emotions feel inferior in comparison. Wiping your tears away, you'd looked up at the owls that were flying over our heads, a sparkle of wonder in your eyes that made Jin want to capture it forever.

"I'll never forget this place but not in a good way. I've been nothing but forlorn here except from the rare times that I'm with you. You won't forget me will you, Seokjin?" You'd whispered softly, biting your lip anxiously. Fondly, Jin smiled and shook his head, opening his arms welcomingly which allowed you to fall into them and hug him for what would probably be the last time.

"How could I ever forget a person like you Y/n?" Was the last thing he had ever got to say to you before you were forced to part ways, never to come across each other again.

Reminiscing those memories made Jin want to crawl up in a ball in the owlery floor and cry until he had nothing left to cry with but he didn't, holding back tears as many more memories began to swarm to him. The first thing Jin was going to do after he finished Hogwarts was find you and hold you like he had been yearning. He swore on his life that he would reunite with you one day, no matter what it would take.

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