one sided love; K.TH

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Best friends. That was what he referred to your relationship as, not knowing how much pain it made you feel. You desperately wanted to be more than friends with him but knew what Taehyung was like, never wanting to settle down and have a genuine relationship with anyone. Taehyung was a free spirit, finding it tiresome and irritating to be tied down to the same person.

Some people would call him a player or heartless but you knew different, being one of the few people lucky enough to get to know the real Taehyung. The large box smile and cheesy jokes, completely different from the rough exterior that he showed everyone else. Taehyung was gentle and kind which was what lured you into his arms in the first place.

"I broke up with Linzi yesterday." Taehyung said nonchalantly while popping another piece of popcorn into his mouth, his dark eyes trained on the TV that was displaying his favourite K-drama. The slight twinge of pain that hit your heart made you frown slightly but you quickly removed it, not wanting Taehyung to see.

"Oh, really? I thought you liked her?" You said while looking at him, trying to act surprised even though this was the norm. Taehyung had only been dating this girl for a week and that was the average time he kept his girlfriends before he got bored of them and dropped them. It hurt to see how heartless he could be with these girls but you were secretly pleased that he was different with you.

"There's this other girl, she's different. She dodges my advances and doesn't pay attention to me. It annoys me but intrigues me, I want to get to know her." Taehyung said while moving so that he was facing you, his eyes shining brightly in the dim light that was being casted off of the TV. Just from the way he spoke about this other girl, you could tell that she was different and you didn't know what to think.

"Hmm, that's really good TaeTae. I hope everything turns out well." You mumbled, not wanting to look at Taehyung because you knew he'd be able to read your emotions just thought your eyes. Ever since he met you he'd been able to read you like a book, only having to look into your eyes to decipher your thoughts and how you were feeling.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic, aren't you happy for me?" Taehyung asked while frowning, sitting up so that he could look at your face that looked uninterested. Each time he told you about girls that he was interested in it seemed that you got more and more emotionless each time, almost bored of the topic.

"Of course i'm happy for you Tae, you're my best friend. It's just... nevermind." You said while sighing, sitting up and arching your back as it had began to ache. The tension that had settled in the room didn't go unnoticed to Taehyung and he pouted, disappointed.

Rolling his eyes, he softly gripped your chin and turned your face so he could look into your eyes. Trying your hardest to get out of his grip, you squirmed and struggled before standing up and gathering your things. Frowning, Taehyung watched you as you threw a lame excuse at him, something about your mum wanting you to go home. Something was going on with you and Taehyung wasn't going to stop until he found out what it was.


The more time Taehyung spent chasing this mysterious girl that had caught his attention, the less time he spent with you. The friendship went from always being around each other, even if he had a girlfriend or not, to Taehyung constantly bailing on plans so that he could hang out with his new fling.

Needless to say you were hurt by his actions, feeling worthless and insignificant to his life. All the years that you'd been by his side, being there for him when things happened with his family or when he was just sad. You were beginning to realise that he'd never really been there if cared for you as you had for him.

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