Promise; K.TH

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It all began with a single promise, a simple sentence of faith made by no other than Kim Taehyung himself. The promise maybe didn't mean much to him at the time but for you it made you feel secure, reassured in the relationship and where you both stood.

What seemed like just an oath of commitment to one person, set off a chain of events that ultimately affected your life in so many ways. At the end of everything, you came to learn that promises were made to be broken.

"Tae, i'm scared you won't have time for me anymore." Your mumbled to Taehyung after he'd returned home from practice, cuddling with you on your shared bed. The rain outside only matched the downpour in your head, your emotions running wild as you held back tears.

Taehyung could feel that you were worrying about the wellbeing of the relationship but he didn't know how to soothe your thoughts. The schedule that he'd been given for the next couple of months was only going to drive a deeper void between the two of you and he knew this but he just couldn't break your heart like that.

"I promise that whatever happens, you'll always be my number one priority. Work can't get in the way of what we have, nothing can." He reassured you before holding your hand to his mouth and kissing each on of your knuckles softly. There was a pit of guilt stored in Taehyung's stomach but there was nothing he could do about it now.

The promise had been made.

A month later
"There's nothing I can do about it Y/n, I'm so sorry." Taehyung said quickly, running his fingers through his died black hair. Ignoring him, you sat on the edge of your shared bed and stared out of the window, finding it funny that it was raining just like the day he made the promise to keep you as a priority.

"You promised me Kim Taehyung. If you weren't going to keep it, why make it in the first place. You planted false hope in me and now look at us, ruined." You snapped as your fingernails dug into the soft skin of your hand, a coping mechanism you had picked up over the years.

Taehyung didn't know what to reply to that as he knew you were right. The company had come between the two of you, giving Taehyung the ultimatum of either losing his contract and staying with you or break up with you and keep it. He had chosen the latter, much to your dismay.

"I'm sorry." Sadly, Taehyung hung his head as he was disappointed in himself for hurting you so badly. He saw it as someday the two of you would be accepted together but he now realised that you weren't willing to wait for him. It was the end of the road for the two of you but he couldn't help but feel as if it wasn't the last time you'd see each other.

"No, it's not okay anymore and it never was. Sorry wasn't good enough when you would ditch me to hang out with the guys when we had plans. Sorry wasn't okay when you would hang out with other female idols and leave me alone at home. Sorry definitely wasn't good enough when you completely disregarded my feelings, just to make yourself feel better. So if you're going to go then do it now, I won't stop you!" You cried loudly, causing Taehyung to flinch.

With sadness and regret looming over him like storm clouds, Taehyung carried his suitcase to his car. Looking up one last time at your bedroom window, Taehyung whispered once more.

"I promise, this won't be the last time we see each other."

Imagines; BTS Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang