When he regrets meeting you; K.NJ

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All the that the two of you did was argue about nothing and everything when you had the chance to, constantly picking at each other until neither of you could take it anymore. It start out as something as little as a plate being left unwashed in the sink but it could escalate to a screaming match, red in the face as you both tried to force your point of justice across. Unfortunately you and Namjoon were both very stubborn people and refused to back down in fear of being proven wrong. There was still love in your relationship but it was very faint, peeling away at the surface like the paint on the garden fences.

After each and every argument you'd make up using your bodies to apologise, no words with any genuine meaning shared which was the main reason why the same arguments kept repeating themselves over and over again. Due to nothing being solved properly, The void between the two of you pushed a wedge deeper and deeper into your relationship. It was noticeable by the both of you but you didn't say anything, knowing that it would cause an argument so intense and anger filled that it would spark the end of your relationship. You personally thought that you weren't ready to be apart from Namjoon, still hopelessly in love with him despite the arguments.

"How could you forget about me like that? I waited for you like an idiot and what were you doing? Sleeping? You're so selfish Namjoon, i'm going to end up sick!" You screamed at him as soon as you both entered the privacy of your home and away from the prying eyes of your neighbours, slamming your bag and coat onto the ground before glaring at him with fury lacing your irises. Namjoon had told you that he would take you and pick you up after work seeing as he didn't have practice or any meetings, meaning that you didn't take your own car and was stranded, having to wait until Namjoon woke up and noticed that you'd been calling him.

Unfortunately for you and him, Namjoon fell asleep as he hadn't been getting enough of it and completely forgot to set an alarm which meant that he woke up extremely late, leaving you outside for hours. To worsen the situation, the downpour outside was coming down relentlessly in heavy pumps and Namjoon knew that you were sat outside in it about to get a cold and be sick. Having a weak immune system that left you prone to falling seriously ill meant that you'd be even angrier at him. Namjoon knew that this would cause another yet argument, the fourth one of the week, and that it was his fault but he wasn't going to let you know that, not wanting to harm his own pride.

"Well maybe if you'd have taken your own car this morning then I wouldn't have had to pick you up!Take some responsibility for your actions for once in your god damn life!" Namjoon replied with uncertainty lacing his voice but his tone harsh and loud, knowing that he had been the one that told you not to take it but needing to fight back at you. After rolling your eyes and walking into the kitchen without replying, Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair and sighed forlornly, not being able to take much more of the situation.

"I wish I'd never met you, I really do." He whispered to no one in particular, not knowing that you'd since re-entered the hall and had heard what he had said loud and clear. It felt like knives were driving their way through your heart, tearing it apart in the most painful way possible, excruciating pain leaving you breathless and off guard. No other pain you'd ever felt could have been compared to it. It had never come to mind that Namjoon truly didn't want to be with you anymore and even wished that the relationship had never started, convincing yourself that Namjoon didn't love you anymore.

"Well, is that's how you feel then your wish has been granted. I'll just disappear, make it easier for your royal highness because as long as you're happy right? Stuff whatever Y/n feels right?." You said, voice cracking slightly even though you didn't want it to. Just from the tone of your voice, Namjoon knew that you were heartbroken as he quickly turned around to make eye contact with you, face void of any decipherable emotions that could help him redeem himself. He hadn't meant to say those words but there was no going back now, what's done was done and the damage had already started its path.

Quickly and without packing anything, you ran out of the door and got into your car, black stains running down your face as the tears smudged your mascara in the most miserable way. Namjoon didn't chase after you, as you had already predicted that he wouldn't, and just stared at the floor with tears in his eyes as he came to a realisation that this was the end of your relationship. Something that had meant so much to him for so long, over within the blink of an eyelid. It seemed fake to him, not part of this world but when he saw you wipe your tears in the car, Namjoon knew that it was the reality.

He didn't chase you because he knew that you would be happier without him, finally free to make your own decisions without having anyone to stop you and hold you back as he had been doing unintentionally. All he ever wanted was for you to be happy and he knew that you would be fine without him, even if he wouldn't be. So after wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his sweater, Namjoon slightly opened the door to allow him to see and watched you leave with no emotion present on his handsome features, needing to make you feel as if he didn't care so that you wouldn't go back to him, even if he desperately wanted you to.

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