The animagi; J.JK

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No one knew about the boy's secret, him hiding it so expertly that even the ministers of magic didn't even catch on. It was very rare that he ever transformed into his animagus because he didn't want to risk anyone finding out. It wasn't like he'd purposely set out to become a shape shifter, a term used to describe those who could change their form into that of an animal, he was born that way, as were most of his family.

"Do you want to hang out tonight Kookie? I know you'll probably be against it but I really want to sneak into the Shrieking Shack! Please Jungkookie, please?" Jimin begged as the boys walked back to the main hall to have lunch. It had been a long day for them both but as it was Tuesday, they got to have lunch together as their years always did. Jungkook panicked slightly, skin itching in agitation as he thought about everything that was going to go wrong. Yes, he was that kind of person.

"Uh, I don't know Jimin, 'doesn't seem like something I want to do if i'm being completely honest." Jungkook dragged his words, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. The groan Jimin let seep from his mouth made Jungkook's instincts quiver slightly, warning Jungkook that his friend was obviously quite annoyed that he wasn't going to go with him. If he was being honest, Jungkook really didn't care if Jimin became annoyed, only caring if Jimin got mad. A mad Jimin was just a whole different conversation.

"Maybe it's true what they say, your spirit animal is a bunny rabbit, Jungkookie. You're always so timid but curious at the same time, just like a rabbit." Jimin mocked Jungkook teasingly, ruffling his hair in an overly friendly way which Jungkook didn't question as it was the norm with Jimin. The boy was known for being big on skinship, always wanting to hold hands or hug people even if he didn't really know them. Jungkook was the complete opposite of this but didn't mind to do it with his hyung, seeing as he cared for the boy so much.

"N-Not true! 'M a man!" Jungkook exclaimed, cheeks turning a comical shade of red and his bottom lip jutted out in defiance. It made him look even cuter than he already was, his large doe eyes staring at Jimin in a way that made the older wan to feel sorry for him. Instead of doing that though, it only made Jimin's teasing worse, the loving guy squishing Jungkook's cheeks together in his palm and cooing at him like a small child.

"So cute my jungkookie! Look how pretty you look whilst you're pouting like that, almost look like a sad baby bunny! Awe, is mean hyungie teasing you?" Jimin giggled harder when Jungkook pushed away his hyung's hand, glaring at him sadly. He hated it when Jimin did that to him, made him feel like a coward so that he would do whatever Jimin had asked him to do. It wasn't in a manipulative way, Jimin didn't have it in him to be too cruel.

"F-Fine! We'll go at noon if you w-want!" Jungkook declared, turning his nose up and sniffing in annoyance, nose twitching slightly. Not realising what he had just agreed to, Jungkook linked arms with Jimin and allowed the older boy to lead him to whichever lunch table they desired, not seeing many people in there to judge anyways.

Later that night once the moon was already up and glowing in all of its fascinating beauty, Jimin and Jungkook cleverly snuck out and used to old tunnels behind the tapestry to escape from school and into the Whomping Willow. The tunnel had been discovered over 20 years ago and people barely used it anymore and even less knew about it, the old marauders map having been lost during the Slytherin overtake of 2011. Luckily for Jimin he had had an older brother attend just before then who had told him about the tunnel, knowing that his mischievous younger brother would use it well.

"I-Isn't it too dark down here? We should turn back Jimin." Jungkook panicked as they made their way past the willow's roots, dodging the tentacles that sprouted through the walls of the tunnel. Not even bothering to reply to his friends worries, Jimin directed Jungkook to take the next left when he came to it, already knowing that it would land them directly inside of the shrieking shack. The poor bunny animagi didn't know this though, assuming that the tunnel would bring them out into the forest next to the haunted shack in which they could peacefully observe its layout.

Suddenly, the darkness cleared and revealed what seemed to be a doorway that led to another place. Not clicking on to whay was happening, Jungkook clasped the back of Jimin's robes in his hand as tightly as he could as the older led him through the door, an elated smile on his face as he took in what the inside of the famous shrieking shack looked like. If he was being honest, it was a bit disappointing.

"W-What the- How the hell are we inside already? We were literally jusy next to the castle! Jimin, please don't leave my side. What if, what if a stranger is living in here? What if the place really is haunted by ghosts, ghosts just like the ones at school? Oh Jimin!" Jungkook cried as he entered the shack, clenching his eyes shut and holding his hands over them so that he wouldn't even get the opportunity to look around. He was trembling, knees knocking together slightly as small whimpers made their way out of his lips that were being harshly bitten by his large teeth.

Before Jungkook could stop himself from doing it, Jungkook's animagus took over his body and forced him to change so that he would be kept safe. The consequences of this didn't seem to have been thought through though as Jimin stared at the pile of clothes that was Jungkook, eyes bulging slightly as if he had just seen a ghost. Panicking as he thought his friend had been so scared that he'd combusted, Jimin crashed to his knees and flung the pile of clothes in different directions of the room, leaving a small, quivering bunny nestled into the warmth of one of Jungkook's shoes.

"I knew it, your spirit animal really is a bunny." Jimin said fondly as he stroked tiny, bunny Jungkook's hand with soft movements, cooing softly at the way the bunny's nose twitched and lifted up to sniff Jimin's hand. As if he recognised Jimin, Jungkook hooped up into Jimin's arms and snuggle up into his chest as to get as close to the source of heat as he possibly could. For what seemed like hours they stayed there, cuddled up to each other as if they were protecting each other. What had meant to have been a little bit of fun for Jimin turned out to be a life changing event instead but honestly, Jimin wouldn't have changed it for the world. Though disappointed that his friend hadn't told him sooner, Jimin couldn't help thank the gods that they had given him tiny Jungkookie.

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