The Bet; J.HS

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You sat at your usual spot in the cafeteria and looked around for Hoseok with a curious expression gracing your features, confused as to why he wasn't sitting with you as he usually did every day at school. You kind of missed the attention he would bring to your table with his loud laugh and continuous jokes, people looking over at the two of you and sometimes joining in the conversations. It made you happy, happier than you had been in a while and to not have him with you anymore cast a grey cloud of sorrow to hang over you. It was a bit unusual for him not to come up to you at lunch so you were worried that something bad had happened to him. You'd grown used to having company with you and didn't really want to start eating lunch alone again as you had before meeting him.

That was until your eyes landed on him, sat with the guys while laughing and joking hysterically as he usually did with you, frowning slightly but quickly forgetting about it and going back to eating. You weren't too bothered by him sitting with his friends as he sat with you everyday no fail, giving up time with his friends for you in a gesture of good-will. He needed to spend time with his friends too and you understood that perfectly fine, even if that meant you had to eat alone of course but that had been the norm before Hoseok miraculously began paying attention to you, sticking to you like glue.

If you had to admit it, the appearance of Hoseok had been very strange and the way he'd pushed himself into your life equally as weird, having confused you at the time but you quickly grew fond of his overly exaggerated personality. Having asked, anonymously, to meet you one day through notes whilst in math class, Hoseok had confessed that he'd wanted to spend more time with you, claiming that he thought you were cool and wanted to be friends, even though he already had plenty. Your first thought to this was that it was a joke or a prank, meant to embarrass and humiliate you but once you'd started spending time with you it seemed like he had good intentions, even though you were a little doubtful, you still put all of your trust into him. How foolish you were, ignoring the signs that tried to warn you of his true intentions.

Meanwhile, Hosoek was laid back with his hands behind his head as his friends brought up the topic that he feared the most, sending his heart plummeting into the caverns of his stomach faster than the speed of light.. You two had shared your first kiss the night before and it was part of the bet for him to tell them everything that happened between you, even though you'd become far more than just a bet to him, of course he couldn't tell his friends of his blossoming emotions towards you. Real, genuine feelings had blossomed deep within him and he found himself resenting his actions and himself, beating himself up for betraying you when all he wanted to do was keep you safe out of harms way. How could he do that though when he was the danger?

"Anything gone down between the two of you then yet Hoseok? It has been a while since we made this bet and you've done next to nothing to advance on her. Go on, what've you done with little virgin kisser over there?" One of Hoseok's friends exclaimed loudly whilst banging his palms on the surface table, drawing your attention so fast that you decided to listen in to what they were saying as curiosity hot the best of you. You know what they say though, curiosity killed the cat, just like it was going to do so to you in a more emotional way. Either way, they weren't exactly being quiet and discreet about their conversation. Anxiety had settled in Hoseok's stomach as he worried that you would hear their conversation and figure out what his true motives of getting to know you were but decided to just ignore his gut and proceed, even though every cell in his body screamed for him not to.

Hosoek could see you sat by yourself across the cafeteria with nobody to talk to, thinking that you were completely oblivious to what he was doing to you and the lies he was spinning, even though you were slightly beginning to piece everything together the more you heard. He felt a pang of guilt hit his heart harshly as the feelings that he had grown for you yelled at him and beat against his chest, showing that was he was doing was disgusting and morally wrong but there wasn't anything he could do, too far involved to back out now. Hoseok put himself in your shoes and thought about how he would feel if the roles were reversed and he just couldn't handle it, anxiety crushing his stomach and making him nauseous as he felt pain causing his chest to constrict, making it harder for him to breathe.

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