Flying without wings; J.HS

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"Jung Hoseok, control that broom or I'll make sure you never mount so much as a vacuum ever again!" Madam Hooch yelled from near the entrance to the Quidditch pitch, whistle sending a shrill sound throughout the ground. Hoseok sent her a cheeky grin before setting himself on his feet once more, choosing to listen to her so that they could get started with the quidditch match. The very first Hufflepuff match of the season.

The rest of the Hufflepuff team were raring and ready to go, almost vibrating from how excited they were to finally play. It had almost been 7 months since their last match of the season in the previous year and for them it had been way too long. Vigorously and whenever they possibly could, the entire team had been training, practicing their formations and routines as to perfect them. There was no way in hell that any of them were going to allow themselves to be beaten by the Ravenclaws.

"I want a squeaky clean match today, absolutely no foul play. The seekers, Jungkook and Hoseok, you'll be competing for the snitch is that correct?" The masculine woman asked, receiving a nod from both of the guys who were grinning devilishly at each other, "Perfect, kick off is in 2 so get into your positions." She barked before flying a couple of feet into the air so that she was hovering over the pitch with her whistle in her mouth, ready to blow it and signal the beginning of the game.

"You're going down Hufflepuff!" Jungkook called cheekily over to Hoseok, a shit-eating grin painted onto his face that made Hoseok want to send a bludger at him and knock his bunny teeth out. It was only friendly competition and teasing though, the two boys were actually quite close and had the same friendship group that they hung around with in their spare time.

From the stands, Hoseok could clearly hear Namjoon and Jin cheering both his and Jungkook's names from their Gryffindor stand, not caring in the slightest that people in their house were giving them strange looks. As a token of appreciation, Hoseok lifted his hand up and gave the boys a big thumbs up, accompanied by a cheerful grin that radiated confidence. The feeling that quidditch gave Hoseok was what he lived for, the rush of power and absolute need to win that he was thirsty for.

Breaking them all out of their stupor, Madam Hooch violently blew on her old whistle and started the game, tossing the ball up high into the air and allowing the players to start. Jungkook rose high up into the air as to get a bird's eye view of the pitch in hopes that it would give him the advantage over Hoseok. It was the boy's officially first game as seeker for Ravenclaw and he wasn't going to let his house down after being trusted with the sacred job. Everyone knew that being seeker was one of the main jobs in quidditch.

"Trying to get the upper hand my friend? Unfortunately for you, you're new to this and you have no idea what this game can throw at you!" Hoseok chuckled from a couple of metres away, swiftly dodging a bludger that was sent his way by one of Jungkook's team members, allowing it to head straight for Jungkook. Panicking, Jungkook took so long to react to the dilemma that his shoulder was nearly knocked clean off, him managing to escape the ordeal with only a minor scrape that he couldn't even feel. Winking, Hoseok flew further away from Jungkook and decided to go lower, hoping that his beady eyes would catch sight of the snitch too.

By the time Jungkook spotted the golden snitch skimming across the floor of the pitch, Hufflepuff already had 50 points whereas Ravenclaw only had 10. He didn't dwell on the fact too much though, knowing that if he caught the snitch that he would win the game for his house and claim ultimate bragging rights over Hoseok. As fast as he possibly could, Jungkook dashed after the snitch, swerving almost professionally out of the way of other players and the two bludgers that were aiming straight for him. Not long after he had began to pursue the snitch, Hoseok caught on to what was happening and also began to fly after it.

"Hufflepuff is currently in the lead with an impressive 80! Can Ravenclaw's seeker Jeon Jungkook possibly rescue his house from defeat? Or will Jung Hoseok steal that opportunity from him and keep the points all for himself?" An excited Taehyung exclaimed over the tannoy, alerting everyone on what was happening in the game. He had been commentating for the quidditch matches ever since his first year in hogwarts when Dumbledore had put him up to it. Ever since then, Taehyung had been the joyous and bubbly personality that most people enjoyed listening to as they watched the game.

It was neck and neck, both seekers with their arms reached out as to grab the snitch for themselves. Almost as if it were mocking them, the snitch slightly turned from left to right as to cause a diversion but neither of them were fazed, resting everything they had on hopes that they would retrieve the ultimate prize and be known for generations to come. Leaning dangerously forward on his broom, Hoseok grunted with effort as he stuck himself even closer to the snitch, ready to launch himself off of his broom if he had to, even though they were approximately twenty feet in the air and it would be a damaging fall.

Surprisingly, Jungkook threw himself forward before Hoseok could do anything about him and caught the snitch in his hand, heart beating rapidly as he had almost plummeted to his early demise. With the snitch in hand, Jungkook rose to the top of the pitch and at the top of his voice, bellowed "Ravenclaw over all!"

The Ravenclaw stand erupted in cheers and celebration, blue confetti sprayed from the wands of each student as they all screamed in excitement as for having won the game. Their team was ecstatic, rushing to Jungkook and slapping him on the back in a congratulatory manner, so thankful that he was the one who caught the snitch and not Hoseok as it would've meant that they would be at the bottom of the leader board. It was all smiles round for the Ravenclaw house but the same couldn't be said for the hufflepuff house.

Though disappointed with the outcome, the hufflepuffs all congratulated Hoseok for trying so hard to win, understanding that they wouldn't be able to win every time. Of course they were upset but it couldn't be helped, losses and wins were just a part of everyday life. After the excitement wore off, Jungkook approached Hoseok and shook his hand in a very gentlemanly way before pulling him into a tight hug.

"This doesn't change out friendship, does it hyung?"

"Don't be ridiculous Jungkook, it's just a friendly competition!"

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