Video Games; K.TH + M.YG

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"Please play with my hyung, Jungkook isn't home and I really want to play!" Taehyung whined into Yoongi's ear as he slept, stopping the older from covering his ears with his hands and whining again. Taehyung had just bought a new game for his console and desperately wanted to play but his usual gaming partner, Jungkook, was busy with practice. The only way he was going to be able to play was if he begged Yoongi to play with him.

"I have told you Taehyung-ah, I am sleeping now go find someone else to play!" Yoongi groaned grumpily before pulling his pillow over his head in attempt to drown out the sound of Taehyung complaining right into his ear. Taehyung was hoping that if he annoyed Yoongi enough then the older would stop being so stubborn and play with him.

"But nobody else is home, you're the only one who can play! Please hyung, please, please, please!" Taehyung begged louder and harder, trying to pull the duvet from around Yoongi and finally succeeding. Once Yoongi noticed that the blanket that had been around him was gone, he slowly sat up and flared at Taehyung who only pouted back. One of Taehyung's large hands held up a controller and the game he wanted to play, his eyes giving Yoongi a desperate look. After finally snapping and not being able to take any more from the younger, Yoongi sighed and snatched the controller from him, walking into Taehyung's room with the said boy skipping along behind him.

"How do you even play this thing?" Yoongi asked once the pair had sat down in Taehyung's gaming chairs and Taehyung had turned the game on. A large, colourful display flashed into the screen and Yoongi would've been lying if he said that it didn't attract him. The visuals and quality of the gameplay was like no other he'd seen before and he found himself getting rather excited to play, mentally thanking Taehyung for forcing him to play.

"Well thats the beauty of gaming hyung, you'll learn as you go along! Obviously there are some buttons that are a necessity to know such as this one," Taehyung explained whilst guiding Yoongi's finger to a bright red button, "but the rest you'll pick up as we play. I'm so excited but Kookie is going to be so mad at me for playing without him." The younger boy chuckled and squealed when the theme music began to play, showing a tutorial that helped them both lots.

7 Hours Later
"Taehyung behind you! Use the golden sword it'll kill more enemies faster!" Yoongi yelled as he leant forward in his seat, fingers furiously pressing the buttons with his eyes trained on the screen. Hundreds of wrappers and bottles surrounded the pair, evidence that they really hadn't moved all day, too engrossed in their game to care about anything else.

"But then I won't have it for when the next wave comes! What about my emerald arrows, would they work?" Taehyung cried out as he now left his seat and stood up, putting all of his energy into the game. It had become such a serious affair for them in such a short amount of time, so serious that they completely forgot the Jungkook would be arriving home any minute to see the pair of them playing the game without him.

Speak of the devil, Jungkook burst through the door with a loud groan, scaring the two men to death which lead their characters to die in the game. Both of the men began to complain and groan in frustration but then they realised who it was that had interrupted their game.

"A-Ah Jungkookie, h-have a nice day?" Taehyung said sheepishly, quickly turning the tv off even though the younger male has already seen what they'd been doing. Jungkook raised his eyebrow at Jungkook and crosses his arms over his chest, feeling extremely betrayed that Taehyung hadn't even waited for him so that they could play together. Yoongi couldn't care less that the younger had caught them, still whining and complaining that his efforts had been wasted.

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