Comforting Brother; M.YG

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For hours you had been crying in your room, the heartbroken wails drifting through the house and upsetting your family, their hearts aching for you. The news of your now ex boyfriend cheating on you had truly shocked you and introduced you to a new kind of pain that didn't register with your mind correctly, causing you to not being able to stop the endless flow of tears from falling down your face.

Never had you thought that you would ever have to go through this, being too naive and trusting to have seen the obvious signs that he was being deceitful and lying to you. On his phone all the time whenever you would spend time together, cancelling dates at the last minute with terrible excuses and not telling his friends about you. It all made sense now and you felt stupid because your let him pull the wool right over your eyes.

Yoongi was the most distressed as he hated hearing you cry, your sobs making him anxious and on edge. He had always been very protective over you and your mother had to stop him from going after your ex as he'd attempted to find him and probably murder him for the damage he had caused. A particular desperate cry caused Yoongi to get up and dash into your room, not being able to hear you cry alone anymore.

He wrapped his arms around your body and shushed you comfortingly, rocking you forwards and backwards as you whimpered pitifully into his chest. Yoongi could feel his anger coming back as he saw how broken you were over your ex but he needed to be there for you, keeping your broken pieces together. Yoongi would've done anything to make you happy in that moment but he had no idea what to do, choosing to just offer you a shoulder to cry on.

"Why Yoongi? Why did he hurt me like that?" You sobbed while clinging to him, trying to make yourself feel better and calm down as you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Yoongi didn't know what to say as he ran his fingers through your hair and cooed softly into your ear, not wanting you to cry over someone that didn't deserve your tears. It was no secret amongst Yoongi's friends that he had done similar things to girls but knew that he would never do it again, your pain setting him straight and making him question his own actions.

"I don't know bub, guys just really suck. He'll pay for what he did I promise you." Yoongi replied while trying to ignore the weight that was hanging on his chest. Now he knew how girls felt when he played with their feelings and used them, breaking them until they were nothing. He now understood that many girls went home to their parents, heartbroken and torn apart by the actions of a foolish boy. The fact that guys could do things like this to the most nicest of girls just baffled Yoongi and made him feel worse about himself as he too had been like those guys. He never wanted to see his little sister like that again and would do anything to protect her.

After another hour of crying, you sniffled and lifted your head out from Yoongi's neck giving him a small smile whilst wiping your tears with the sleeve of your cardigan. To Yoongi, you looked so small and precious that he couldn't help but give you his most cheery gummy smile in reply. He held up his fingers in heart shapes and told you that your ex wasn't worth it, family was all you needed and no stupid boy who didn't deserve you could ever change that.

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