When you faint; M.YG

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Work had been taking its toll on you, long continuous hours with hardly any pay. Yoongi had of course been worried about you as each time you came home you were pale and getting thinner, overworked and malnourished.

"You need to take it easy baby, don't do as many hours." Yoongi had told you in attempts to convince you to stay at home. With tired eyes and delayed movements, you softly smiled and did your best to reassure him that you would be ok, buttoning your coat up so that you wouldn't get cold.

In all honesty, you didn't want to go to work either but you knew that Yoongi's job wasn't brining in enough money to pay the bills. The idea of living off of Yoongi's hard earned money made you shiver anyways, sparking the passion and need to get a job of your own.

As soon as you opened the door to leave the house and set off on your journey to work, your vision got darker and darker and your body suddenly felt heavy. Your body hit the floor with a loud 'thump' and it looked as if you had simply fallen asleep.

"Oh my god Y/n!" Yoongi exclaimed while rushing over to you and scooping you up off of the floor, carrying you to your shared bed bridal style. He was worried sick but didn't let his nerves get to him as he quickly dashed to the medicine cupboard to retrieve smelling salts that he hoped would help you wake up.

"You're okay, you're okay." He murmured softly as he wafted the sticks of salt under your nose and ran his fingers through you hair, concern lacing his features. There wasn't a feeling that could compare to how he had felt when he saw you drop like that, his heart sinking to his feet in dread.

Slowly, you opened your eyes and groaned in pain as you had hit your head on the ground when you fell. Confusion and fear could be seen in your eyes as you looked around the room, not knowing how you had gotten there as the last thing that you could remember was getting your coat on ready for work.

"You fainted. Probably because you've been overworking yourself even though I warned you not to. Don't ever scare me like that again." Yoongi whispered into your ear, fingers softly running through your hair in the most soothing way.

"Even if I have to get a second job, you're staying home and resting because I love you and I hate to see you so ran down." Yoongi stressed before kissing your forehead and going to the kitchen so that he could make you some special tea.

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