Holding on; K.NJ

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Namjoon was desperately clinging to your heart, hoping that by staying with you then his feelings would miraculously reappear and everything would go back to how it used to be. The tighter he held you, the more he began to resent you though he stayed with you.

The reality was that his feelings for you had slowly began to fade away as time went by, the excitement he had felt at the beginning of the relationship not being present anymore. Everything felt as if it was repeating itself everyday as he was getting sick of it but didn't have the courage to leave you.

The two of you had been together since you were 14, having fallen in love in high school. Namjoon couldn't imagine life without you with him, even though he didn't feel for you as he had done before. He was selfish for keeping you to himself but there was just something about you finding someone other than him that made him feel sick to his stomach.

You of course didn't fall for Namjoon's acts of affection. The way he kissed and hugged you wasn't the same as it used to be, feeling forced and awkward which of course confused you at first. Until you realised that Namjoon didn't love you like he used to.

"Namjoon?" You said whilst the two of you were sat watching TV, catching his attention almost immediately. The eyes that would usually make your heart beat faster just caused a weight of anxiety and fear settle on top of your stomach like a large weight.

"Do you love me? Like, really love me? Please be honest." You said softly while keeping your eyes on the screen in hopes that he wouldn't be able to see the tears that were building up in your eyes.

Namjoon froze for a second, his eyes widening a little in shock. For a second he thought that Yoongi had told you about how he was feeling but then he realised that you and Yoongi weren't exactly the best of friends so he relaxed slightly.

"Of course I-" Namjoon began before you groaned in frustration and covered your face with your hands. It was hard for you to control the harsh sobs that were racking through your body and you soon failed to hide that you were having a full on breakdown.

"Stop lying to me! I just want the truth, no more games! I see the way you look at me these days, you resent me!" You cried harder when Namjoon didn't move, his eyes concerned and sad as he saw what he had done to you. His careless actions had belittled you until you were left an insecure mess that didn't love herself, all because he couldn't be man enough to do so.

"I-I'm sorry." Was all that Namjoon could reply, too scared to explain to you that he had been dragging out the relationship for your sake. The way you cried made Namjoon's heart ache but there was nothing he could do at that point.

"That's all you have to say to me after everything you've done? You're a coward Kim Namjoon, get out of my house. I don't want to ever see you again!" You screamed, your sadness suddenly converting into anger.

Namjoon didn't blame you and stood up, his eyes turned towards the floor as he picked up a random jacket and his wallet so that he could stay in a hotel until he bought a new apartment. Everything had happened so quickly and he still wasn't sure how you'd realised but he left without another word spoken.

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